16. the date

23 3 0

Liams pov

I chuckle and start to eat myself. Niall and i grab some plates and so does Niall. We start doing the dishes together.

"You're not fat" niall tells me. "Why do i feel like it then?" I ask him. "Well, so do i but you tell me i am not" he explains. We talk for a bit and then we go to bed.

"Can we cuddle liam?" Niall asks and i nod. I make space for him and he lays his on my chest. I start playing with his hair. "What movie should we go to?" I ask him. "I think Mario would be fun" he says.

"Not the little mermaid?" I ask. "I wanna see both" he says. "Well lets go tomorrow to the mario movie and maybe next week if you still wanna go on a second date we go to the little mermaid" i suggest. "I'd like that" he says sleepy. "Get some sleep okay?" I ask and he nods.

After a while i hear a little snoring and when i look i see Niall asleep. How did i get lucky to have him by my side? How did i get him? How am i this lucky?

Look at me! I am so fucking ugly and he chose me. How? He is peaceful when he is asleep. He wraps an arm around my waist and usually i would mind but i don't mind him doing it.

Next day 10 am
Nialls pov

I am getting ready for the movies. Everyone else went to work or school except for Liam, sadly Nick and me! I grab my sport jeans and a hoodie cus it fits great together.

I go downstairs and nick is annoying Liam. I hit the back of Nicks head. "Auw" he says. "You don't even have a brain so how does it hurt?" I ask him. I look at me with a sarcastic smile.

I am not hungry or something so i go to the bathroom. To brush my teeths and i look in the mirror.

How can Liam wanna go on a date with me? Look at me! I don't really deserve it all. Liam comes to me and lays his head on my shoulder. "You look good" he says. "So do you" i say.

He grabs my hand and gets Victors car keys. He can drive? Holy shit! "You drive?" I ask him and he nods. I sit next to him and he starts the car. "Everyone says you can sing really good and you can play guitar so i wanna hear it after" liam says.

"Okay" i say with a smile. I look out the window and see people riding their bike and people walking. Some are running. They're crazy.

We arrive at the movies and i get popcorn with something to drink. Liam grabs the same and some candy. I see Lisa and her dad and i grab Liams hand. He gives the money and looks at me.

I point at Lisa and her dad. Lisa walks to us with a smile on her face. "You gonna jerk off Liam?" She asks and i stay silent. I just wanna leave this place.

"You would go to the movies with a friend. Not a fatty like liam" she continues. "Now i see it! You're fat too" she says as she grabs my popcorn away from me. She walks away and i feel liam squeezing his hand. He buys me a new popcorn and we go to our movie.

"I really hate that bitch" liam says. "Just let it go. Next week we all are at a new school" i say. "You know harry, zayn and your brother are making it the school very hard right now?" Liam asks and i nod with a smile.

Louis pov

I sit in class with Harry and Zayn. Usually we don't have the same class but we couldn't care less. "Louis can you leave my classroom?" The teacher asks. "I could but i won't" i say with a grin.

I can do this all day that is the most fun thing. I sit back and put my feet on the table. Harry goes to the teacher desk. "No more class for the rest of the day!" Harry yells. Everyone runs out and zayn too. Harry and i go too qnd we laugh. "Next class? My class?" I ask and they nod.

We go to my classroom and we all sit back. The teacher tries to tell Zayn and harry to leave but they won't. "I have something to say sir!" Zayn says.

He walks forwards and stands on the teacher desk. I have been lucky cus i am popular in my class. "We all know Louis Horan here! He has a little brother Niall horan!" Zayn starts.

"He got kicked out for something he'd never do! A girl claims he tried to rape her! It was the fucking other way Around cus we all know he is gay!" Everyone agrees. Niall came out last year to the school.

"So the 3 of started to protest! If you agree we are right lets go and come back when they asked for Nialls side!" Harry yells. Everyone walks out and we sit down outside.

"Let me guess it was Lisa?" Luke asks. "Yup" i answer. "She is a bitch" ashton agrees. We talk and decide not to go any classes anymore.

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