13. cute couple

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Louis pov

We get in and they are both a sleep and cuddling. "They make a cute couple" Rose says. Victor went out for coffee. "We need to make them than" i say. "They won't like that" Rose says. "Niall needs to get someone who loves him. I can tell Liam is the right person" i say.

Harry's pov

I tap on Zayns shoulder and he nods. "I just got a text from Victor, he is gonna pick us all up. Niall is in the hospital. Someone broke his leg" i say. "Yeah i got the text too" he says.

We go to the girls and Victor walks in. He takes us with him. "Is he okay?" Hailey asks. "He is home already. He didn't have to go to the hospital for cutting himself" hailey smiles a little.

"Is liam already home then?" Sierra asks. "Yeah he came with Niall and louis to the hospital. he is okay" victor says. "What happened?" i ask sitting next to victor.

"Someone was bullying niall and Liam stood up for him, they didn't like it and broke Nialls leg" victor says. "They go to hell for that" Sierra says. "They will, niall is gonna press charges too so they go to jail for abuse" victor says.

We arrive home and Niall is a sleep. That isn't very weird but what is weird is that Liam is cuddling.

"Why don't we have a dead liam yet?" Hailey asks. "Niall wanted it himself" Rose says. "He NEVER wants cuddles" hailey says. The doorbell rings and i open it.

"Nick?!" I ask. I do let him in tho. I am a nice person. Everyone looks surprised to see him. "How?" Hailey asks. She is sad and angry.

Everyone is very confused and Niall and Liam wake up. "Can someone kill me already?" Niall says very tired.

"Why?" I ask. "Cus i wanna" he answers. "Hey niall" nick says. He just turns around. "Who is that?" Liam asks as they sit up. "I am nick" he says. "Oh shit" Liam says. "You can't have your bed back" Liam says. "No liam cuddles better then you" niall just says. We laugh.

"Niall he is looking for you" Nick then says. "Who is looking for Niall?" I ask. "So uh i might have been lying about me going to ashtons. I met my dad and he is making my life really miserable and soon as i don't do what he says he will be going after all of you" he says sad and looking down. "Niall tell us sooner next time" rose says.

"Well, i didn't wanna bother you with my shit and i was just mad and i didn't feel like it was necessary cus i was handling it" now i notice his make up.

I grab a towel and rub it over his face. It makes the make up remove. "So great you have a black eye amd your covered in bruises" i ask him. "Okay but that was his fault!" Niall points at Nick. "How?" Nick asks. "Cus it is you and i need someone to blame and i am still mad at you so i blame you!" He says.

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