3. i have the right too!

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After school
Louis pov

I am in my room and harry walks in. He closes the door carefully. He looks behind it. "Whats up?" I ask. "Do you think niall has been acting weirder then the usual?" He asks.

Well, now i start to think about it. He has been acting more weird these past 5 days. Before Liam came already. Or we knew he would come.

Liam walks in. "Uh is it normal for Niall to do like old unsolved murder cases?" Harry and i look at each other confused cus that is nothing for Niall.

We walk to his room and i see a picture of our parents and some of moms old friends. "What the hell are you doing?" i ask a bit angry and confused.

"Louis look at these murders" he says. "Yeah i know... what are you doing?" i ask. "So all these people were friends with either mom or dad. Now all of them are dead. Is that a coincidence? I don't think so!" he says.

He points at a picture of dad. "Did you after he left he became a detective?" Niall looked up to dad until he left and now he does again.

"Niall don't" i warn him. There is one thing Niall doesn't know about dad, he leads a maffia gang. Niall can't know that cus he will go even more stupid.

"I wanna know why mom committed suicide Louis! I am her son too and i wanna know why she would do that! I have that right too! She never wrote me a letter just you! It isn't fair!" he says a bit mad. I get it, he wants to know the truth but he just can't.

"Can i talk to niall alone?" I ask and the lads leave. "Why now? After all these years? Why now?" I ask him. "Cus i am 15 i have the rights to know. Besides i can use something against that asshole" he says. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Nothing just never mind" he says throwing it all away. Dang it! "Niall did you meet him?" I ask him. "No. I don't want anything to do with that asshole!" He says. I sigh and i see something weird. He is scratching himself.

I grab his hands and he starts crying. Hailey walks in and hugs niall too. "Dinner is ready" she says when we pull away.

We walk downstairs and all hands on deck. "Dear lord thank you for this food and the meat this time. I am sorry liams hands are on vacation. Thank you for this family. Amen!" We all eat.

"Why won't you just put your hands on it?" Niall can get pissed on those kind of things. "Cus i don't believe in god. So why would i?" He asks. Oh dear lord please be with Liam before Niall kills him.

"So cus you don't believe, we all just have to suffer?" He mumbles something after that. "Sorry i like to know what you said" Liam says. "That you're selfish! You're an asshole and the only thing you are good at is snitching me by my own brother!" Niall walks of table. Everyone just eats.

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