15. without my promotion?

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Louis pov

Liam and i leave to her house and knock on the door. A tall man opens the door. It is the rich side of our street. "How can i help you?" He asks annoyed. "We are here to see Lisa" i say.

"Why?" He asks even more annoyed. "She tried to rape my friend! We need to talk to her" liam says. "No that is not true!" Lisa yells from the stairs. She runs to us. "He tried to rape me!" She says mad. Oh dear lord please help me not kill this bitch!

"He would never do that! He is gay" i say. "Well he tried! Luckily i kicked him off me!" She says. Oh this girl is so dead. "He should be glad i am not pressing charges" she says. Before i can say something the man closes the door.

We go home and niall is still in bed. He is in an argument with Nick. "No let it go Nick! It is mine!" He says mad.

We walk in the room and i see Nick holding something sharp. Oh shit! "Ni? You were gonna cut yourself! For what?" Nick asks angry and sad. "Not telling you" niall says.

"Nick can we talk to Niall?" I ask and he nods. Niall comes sit with us on Liams bed. "What happened?" Liam asks. Niall doesn't say anything and just gives us his phone.

We see a lot in the group chat and Lisa started it. She said niall tried to rape her and he has some condition. So she won't press charges. Rose and Victor walk in and look at Niall.

"Niall, the school called. They said you tried to rape a girl but i don't believe that so can you tell us what happened?" Victor says. He explains it all and they nod. "You can stay home if you want tomorrow" rose says.

"Well, uh he is suspended. He needs to go to another school" victor says. "He leaves i leave!" I say. "Louis leaves i leave too! Find a new school for all of us" harry says walking in.

I see liam trying to hold his laugh. "We will" victor says with a smile. "We are gonna order food. Chinees or pizza?" Rose asks. "Chinees" niall answers. They nod and leave.

"So we can reschedule our date now to while school is going on" liam says. I look at Liam angry. "A date? Without my promotion?" I ask him.

"Y-yeah. We are going to the the the uh the uh movies" liam says. Oh i am freaking him out. I like it!

"I don't bother harry all the time so don't bother Liam" niall says. "Alright! But Niall if breaks your heart he will be dead" i tell them. "You didn't kill nick yet" niall says.

I walk out the room and i am angry. Zayn comes to me with harry. "So what really happened?" Zayn asks. "She tried to fuck niall when he said no. He pushed her off and ran off. You don't actually believe those stories right?" I ask them but they shake their heads. "No! We know better than that!" Harry says.

Sierra and Hailey come to us. "We wanna have a tea party! Wanna join us?" Hailey asks us. "Sure!" Harry says. We all get crowns. "Where are Niall and Liam?" Sierra asks. "They are doing their homework. Hey wanna hear some good news?" I ask. "Yessss!" Sierra says. "We all will be going to another school probably" i say.

The girls get excited. "Hey harry, zayn? I think we should go to school tomorrow" i tell them. "Why?" Zayn asks. "Cus we are gonna protest. They never asked for Nialls side of the story. A bit weird right?" I ask. I mean the whole school know niall is gay. Even the teachers do!

"That is a bit weird yeah" harry says. "So what do you guys say?" I ask with a smirk on my face. Not much later rose and Victor come back from the Chinees shop for food.

Niall and Liam come downstairs. "Dear lord, can you forgive everyone who made it hard on one of our kids? I wanna bless the hands who made this and thank you for being with niall today. Amen" Victor prays. We all eat but Liam doesn't. He plays with his food and niall sits next to him.

He notices it and grabs a fork puts food on it and shuffs it in Liams mouth. "I have to eat so so do you" niall tells liam. It is kinda cute.

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