14. lisa

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A couple days later
Nialls pov

So they arrested my dad. Nick stays here with Z in a room. I am in love with Liam, i know that for sure. He just will never see me in a hot way.

Liam comes to me and he is thinking about something. "Whats up?" I ask. "Oh uh nothing to worry about. Wanna go to the movies tomorrow with me?" He asks. I feel that i am turning red. It is blushing. "Yeah sure!" I look at him. "Do you want the others to come or not?" I ask. "I thought maybe just you and i?" He asks and i turn way more red.

"I take that as a yes" he says giggling which makes me giggle. "Was that where you were thinking off?" I ask and he shakes his head. "What was it then?" I ask insecure. "It was mostly about Sierra and how my parents treated us" he says.

"We can skip school. Go to the movies now?" I ask him and he smiles but shakes his head. "No our education is important"

Someone walks to us. "You do other peoples homework right?" The girl asks. "I did but not anymore. Why?" I ask. "Well, i am falling a subject and i thought if you do it i will definitely not but if you stopped it is okay too" she says.

"I can give you extra classes? I mean i am pretty good at a lot and i can make money again for uni" I say. "Okay can we start tomorrow?" She asks. "No i can't. I am going to the movies with a friend" i say.

Liams pov

I know this girl. It is lisa and she is in love with niall, as in she is crazy. She stalks him and i know that. "You can reschedule that right?" She asks. "I can't. It is important for me to go out with my friends. I didn't even get your name yet. Besides i need to relax to cus of my leg" niall just says.

"Can i write the cast?" She asks. "No my family did so it is fine" he says. What i find funny about this is that she is trying to get niall and he doesn't even notice it.

I chuckle and Lisa turns to me. "What are you laughing at fatty?" She asks. "Hey that is my brother and if you dare talk to him like that again i won't help you" niall tell her. She is right, ever since i came here i got a bit fatter. "Fine so I'll see you today after school then?" Niall looks at me for help.

"Fine till then" Lisa says walking away. "I don't like her" niall says. "Neither do i" i say. We walk to class and lisa is on my spot.

Niall decides to sit next to her. "This is my table" i tell lisa. "I dont see a name on it" lisa says. I point at my name on the table. She stands up and walks next to me. "He will never like you fatty" she whispers.

That bitch! I sit down next to Niall and lisa sits next to me like always. I talk with niall about the homework. "You know harry works in a bakery right?" Niall asks and i nod. "I might wanna work in the cinema's but i have no idea how to talk with people and definitely not when i am nerves" he says. "We can work there together?" He smiles and nods.

After school
Nialls pov

I sit with Lisa in the library. She grabs my above leg which i don't like. She goes more up to my private place. "Can you stop touching me?" I ask uncomfortable. "Why you get horny?" She asks with a smirk. "No i don't like it" i tell her.

"All lads like this" she grabs my dick and i stand up. "Lisa i am gay! I don't like it okay?" She looks at me angry. "Being gay is a phases" she drags me to her car and she takes of her clothes. "Stop it lisa" i tell her but she doesn't.

I push her off me and get out the car angry. I go home and i yell in a pillow. In my room obviously. "Whats wrong nialler?" Liam asks but i don't feel like answering.

I grab something sharp and before i can hurt myself Liam grabs it away from me. "What happened?" He asks looking at me worried. "She tried to uh" i don't wanna say it anymore. Liam knows what i mean. "I am telling louis this en we are gonna kill that stupid girl!" Liam tells me a bit angry. He isn't angry with me. He walks out the room and i hear first Liam yelling.

"AH! SORRY!" He runs back in the room. "My eyes are traumatized" he says. "Why?" I ask laughing. "I saw him and Harry having seks" he says and i burst out even harder laughing. Louis comes in the room with his underwear on.

"Why didn't you knock?" He asks. "Cus i need to tell you something and i didn't think you were doing something!" Liam says. "What was so important?" Louis is moody when he get interrupted having seks. "Lisa from our class tried to have seks with Niall without him wanting it" ah oh now Louis is angry. "I need address and name" he says. "Lisa" i tell them the address and Louis gets dressed.

Hello everyone! The writer here! I wanna say to everyone happy pride month! If you have any ideas for how it should continue this story let me know in the comments! Love you all and you should stay you!

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