12. broken leg

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Next day at school
Nialls pov

The football lads push me against my locker again. "I said you had to stop!" Liam says. "We warned you horan" he wishpers in my ear.

"We told you to mind your own business" one of them says. They walk to Liam.

God if you hear me right now, i know liam is an asshole but if someone deserves to live it is him! Amen.

They punch liam to hard in the face. I see ashton and the lads. Ashton punches the lad back. Liam comes to me. "You just got it worse for me but thanks" i say.

One of the lads grab me and someone else grabs Liam. For the record they knocked Ashton out. "You're not gonna like this horan"

The push me on the ground. They're gonna break my leg and liam has to watch. They break it and walk away laughing.

I am crying on the ground in pain. I can't move my left leg. It was my bad knee and now it is just broken. Liam walks away and comes back with Louis. 

They help me up and they get me in the car. We don't say much but i know where we are going. The hospital. "Niall? Why didn't you say the bullying was this bad?" Louis asks. "Cus i don't want you to worry about it. I wanna handle my shit myself. Just like with dad"

"What's wrong with your dad?" Liam asks. "A lot" i answer. We arrive at the hospital and Louis already called Victor and rose.

They are here now too. They help me. "Niall what happened?" It hurts a lot. So i can't answer. I look at liam and i nod. "Some seniors football lads did it" he says. "Thank you for telling" rose says.

Liams pov

They take niall to surgery. "It is my fault" i say. "It isn't. You just stood up for him!" Louis says. I never told him that. "How do you know?" I ask. "They were talking when they got in class and when you came they looked kinda mad at you" i agree.

"Can i ask why Nick was so important to Niall was?" I ask. "They were together as in a couple" Rose says. "And you were okay with that?" I ask. "Yeah of course!" Victor says. "But you all believe" i say confused.

"Well, god wants us to love one an other. No matter who! Man and man. We don't care who or what you love just if you love. The church turned us down cus they thought Niall is sick. Niall came back that day and told everyone how he felt. We knew we would kicked out and we didn't care" Victor says.

"So you don't care if i was gay or bi?" I ask them. "We know" they all say. A doctor comes to us and we can see him. We go to niall and he has cast over his leg.

"Can you guys write it?" Niall asks us. Everyone writes it but me. "Li? Can you write it too?" Niall asks me and i nod.

The others leave so it is just me and Niall. "Why did you stood up for me?" He asks. "Cus you're a great person" i tell him. "I was an asshole to you" he says with a chuckle. "I know but i suddenly came sleeping in your room and that is what you hated. Not me. I took in nicks place" i explain.

"Yeah i think i hate that but not anymore" he says. "Did you write Payno?" He asks and i nod. "Great!" He says. "I need you to do something" he says then.

I sit down next to him. "Remember your first day at school? When you found i make myself throw up?" I nod confused. He hit me that day. "How could i forget?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Do it more. Pull me away from the toilet when i try, grab a knife out of my hand. Cus i don't wanna talk to a stranger about it" i smile. "I will make it you so hard that you want to eat" i say and he laughs.

"I doubt that but lets try that" he says. "Need a hug?" I ask. "No, i do love cuddles tho" he says. I get in the bed and we cuddle. "I shouldn't have been acting mean to you cus we share a room" i shurg and he falls asleep.

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