9. party

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At the party
Louis pov

I walk in and i see Ash. I walk to him and tap his shoulder. "Where is Niall?" I ask him. "Oh uh he didn't wanna come so he is asleep home" he says. "Alone? In your house?" "No Luke is there to watch niall" i don't buy this shit.

Josh comes to me. "Can you open the door Louis?" He asks. This party is his so he probably bought drugs. I don't do drugs but i can open the door for him.

The doorbell rings and i open. I am shocked to see Niall. "You deal?" I ask a bit angry. "You do drugs?" He asks me. I drag him inside. "Have you lost your mind?" I ask him angry. "Can you just get Josh? I need the money and i have other deals" he says.

Josh comes to us. "Oh hey Niall... i forgot you'd come today" he says embarrassed. "Just give me the money and i leave again. Lou if you tell someone at home i will tell them you do drugs"

This isn't Niall, someone is forcing him. "Who is forcing you Niall?" I ask. He counts the money gives the drugs and leaves without answering.

Liam, harry and zayn walk to us. "What was niall doing here?" Harry asks. "Getting my drugs" josh says happily. He walks away.

"I'll talk to him. I know he hates me but i can try" liam says and we nod.

Nialls pov

Okay so i am fucked. Literally cus Lou will give me a lecture about how i shouldn't do it. He has no clue of what is going on.

I get back and my dad kicks me in my stomach. I am late again. I fall on the ground and i cough. "Why are you late? Now nick has to do the other deals!" He yells at me.

One of the people who work for him grab my hair and pull my head behind me. "Can i have him?" He asks and my dad nods. He takes me to another room.

He rapes me and soon as he is done he starts to abuse me. When he is done with that he leaves the room but locks the door.

I already feel the walls moving towards me. Everything hurts and the walls just keep getting closer and closer. I feel hot tears running down my face and my whole body is shaking. The door opens and they throw Nick in it and lock it again.

"Shit Niall! You okay?" He asks. "I hate you for leaving me" i tell him more shaky. "I know. I wanted to come back but i saw the newbie and you 2 are made for each other. I didn't wanna come in between you and him" he says and i just get even more mad. I start hitting him and he just doesn't do anything back.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU!" i yell at him angry. "I fucking hate you for doing this to me! Wanna see the things you did to me?" I show him all my scars. "That is cus of you!" I walk to another corner of the room and just sit. I don't even bother to look at him anymore. I just wanna scream and yell at him.

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