⚠️Entry #13⚠️

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WARNING: This entry mentions suicide and/suicide ideation, as well as self harm. If this may be a trigger for you please skip to the next entry, or just read the foot note I usually leave at the bottom❤️.

You have been warned.


I've learnt that decidedly staying alive when your mind wishes the opposite is an active thing. It's nit something that just works out on its own after a while, or a decisions that can just be laid to rest after being made. I cannot ever let my guard down when it comes to this. Being caught off guard means that before I know it, I've already attempted once again.
I have to be mindful, continuously, about the things that surround me. Anything I can use to slice my skin cannot remain either my room It's best to keep them out of my sight, and I ensure to never know where the carving blades or anything other than kitchen items are. Naturally, moving around my house, once I accidentally find something that gives me the impulse to harm myself, without realizing I memorise where I found it. I document the location and stash it to the back of my mind. I have to make a conscious and forceful effort to forget it, and even then it takes a while.
I know and understand that my penchant for suicide and self-harm makes me a danger to myself. I also understand that if I'm working on surviving, staying alive despite my internal struggle, I need to be on my guard. I have to constantly take active precautions, and protect myself....from myself. I can't stay slack, and end up in a relapse. The average room isn't a room for me, and hasn't been for a while. Anywhere and anything could be a weapon I wield against myself. In a moment of weakness, I would find every single thing capable of causing me harm and I would use it.
Sometimes I feel like I'm in a cage. It's hard to tell what's responsible or who is for this cage (probably myself). But walking into my room can feel like taking step onto a minefield, especially at my lowest point. I make a point not to dig up when I'm particularly depressed, because what if I forgot something somewhere within my belongings? What if without realising, I picked up a blade, or a pill bottle and tucked it away? I dknt know all my triggers, but I can try to remove myself from anything that sets me back. Because I acknowledge that despite wanting to live, the part of me wanting to die still exists, and claws at my insides, always watching for a moment of weakness.
It's not just with blades, and pills tjat I guard myself against. It's checking calories, deliberately not going on certain types of diets, and staying away from spaces that endorse any of these things. Because I fear that without realising, I'll get obsessed with counting, and I'll start starving in earnest. I haven't eliminated the mindset that would lead me to it, but I am trying. I'm not yet strong enough to say I've overcome these things. I'm not strong enough to be in the presence of the things that I used to further self-destruct and remain standing. I'll get there, I intend to. But I'm not there, not yet....not today.


I remember cleaning up my room by moving around some boxes and stuff and finding a brand new container of the same kind of pills I first overdosed on. I made a mental note to remove it without thinking about it, I was just thinking of all the times I've taken in an influx of these wuth the intention of dying, and that I didn't want it near during my next depressive episode. Only then it struck me that surviving was an active and continuous thing, and I admit it was an overwhelming realisation. I briefly wondered if I'll be at this state for my entire life. But I then focused on the regret of being in such a state of mind.
I recognise that there is so much more to this fight. Things I didn't consider of think about. And internally I have a fight over whether or not staying alive is worth it.
But, I see signs of progress. I see signs of moving ahead, I'm seeing healing slowly but surely. I'm afraid of succumbing at some point, but I figured in healing there are things like relapses, because we're human right?
I haven't found a reason to stay....but I am looking for it, actively. And if that means moving away to protect myself then it's what I will have to do.
I know I'm not alone in trying to stay alive, in trying to live. That's a lot of comfort on its own really. I wish for anyone to understand that they may not be as alone as they thought.
You're still here, you have the upper hand, even if it's just for today. I believe in focusing on surviving today, this moment, not tomorrow, or next week. If I could just get myself to breathe and live through this moment, it will be okay.
We're alive today and that's all that matters.

See you next entry.


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