Chapter 3

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"Sasuke, where did you go during lunch?" Suigetsu asked Sasuke as they walked out of the school building.

The day had finally ended, and Sasuke was glad to leave. He wasn't too happy about the idea of hundreds of fangirls from all grades bombarding him with everything. Sasuke didn't appreciate it; he wanted his own privacy.

"I didn't want to be in the crowd."

"Come on, we are famous. We can do whatever we want. Get whatever girls we want in the entire world," Suigetsu said, throwing his arm around Sasuke's shoulder.

Sasuke pushed him away, and they continued to walk back home in silence. While they were walking, a café caught Sasuke's eye. It was more like the aroma of coffee.

"I'm stopping for some coffee," Sasuke said, veering away from Suigetsu.

"Wait, I'll come too."

Sasuke rolled his eyes as he preferred to drink his coffee in peace, but he couldn't really do that when Suigetsu was around. He was loud and obnoxious and made it hard to be peaceful and relaxed.

The two sat down in a booth and waited to be served.

Hey, I'm Naruto, and I will be your server. What can I get for you?"

Sasuke looked up to find his annoying guide. Naruto smiled at him and waited for him to order. When the two ordered, Naruto walked away to go make their drinks.

"Hey, wasn't that kid your guide?" Suigetsu asked.

Sasuke nodded. He didn't really favor Naruto; like Suigetsu, he was loud and annoying. At least from what he had gathered about him listening during lunch and when he was touring the school earlier. Sasuke did not expect to see him here.


Naruto's eyes widened when he saw Sasuke enter the shop. He had only just started his shift, and now he has to deal with this asshole again. He walked over to Sasuke and his friend after they had a seat and took their orders. Sasuke looked up at me, and I smiled. He huffed and looked back down at the table. He really was an asshole.

Naruto walked away to go make their drinks, mumbling under his breath about what an asshole Sasuke was. The door to the shop swung open again, and this time he was greeted by Shikamaru.

"Hey Naruto," he said, taking a seat in his usual spot near the counter.

Shikamaru liked to keep Naruto company when he was on his shifts, mostly to get the free coffee.

"Hey Shika, I'll get your coffee in a second," Naruto said, carrying the two drinks over to Sasuke's table.

He placed them down and turned away to go make Shikamaru's usual coffee. When Naruto turned around, girls pushed and shoved to get by him, and he had to shove his way through the crowd to make it out.

"Where did they all come from?" Naruto asked Shikamaru, placing his coffee in front of him.

Shikamaru took a sip and replied, "They all came for Sasuke."

Naruto looked and realized that all the girls were pushing and shoving to get to the front, yelling Sasuke's name. It was really loud and disrupted the flow of the café, but as more people came in, the chaos only grew.

Naruto pushed his way back through to deliver the check. It was harder than he had expected it to be, and the small café could not hold that many people. The girls were fighting, and Naruto wasn't sure if he should kick them out or something.

"Just let it go," Shikamaru said.

Naruto turned and looked at Sasuke and the other boy, who were shoving their own way through the crowd to exit the café. The noise died down, and so did the chaos; it was finally over. Naruto sat back and relaxed in his seat across from Shikamaru, chatting with him about just anything.

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