Chapter 5

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The next morning, Naruto woke up on time. He rubbed his eyes as he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He ran a hand through his hair and threw on his school uniform. Naruto entered his kitchen and put a pot of water on for ramen. He ran out of bread for toast yesterday.

Naruto ate his ramen, checking the time occasionally to make sure he could get to class on time today. When he was done, he slid on his shoes, grabbed his bag, and headed out the door. Naruto took his time walking to school.

Most of the students walked in pairs or groups. The street was crowded with people walking to work and students walking to school.

"Hay Naruto!" He heard someone yell.

He turned and saw Lee walking with Sakura, Shikamaru, and Hinata. I waved at them and ran over to walk with them. I walked between Sakura and Shikamaru.

"Does anyone want to go to karaoke after school?" Sakura suggested.

"Sure," most of the group replied.

"I have work," Naruto said.

"What time do you get off? We'll wait for you," Hinata suggested.

"I get off at 4:30, if you guys want to wait that long."

"That's fine; we will wait at the café," Shikamaru said.

The group arrived at the school, went to their separate classes, and agreed to meet up at the end of the day.


Sasuke woke up to his alarm blaring in his ears and the sound of Suigetsu blasting music and singing along loudly. Sasuke covered his head with his pillow, trying to block out the noise, before turning off his alarm and getting up.

He entered the bathroom to freshen up. Sasuke dressed in his school uniform and grabbed his bag. He plugged his ears and entered the kitchen, where Suigetsu was pouring cereal into a bowl and singing along to the loud music. Sasuke walked over to the speaker and switched it off.

"Hey! What did you do that for?"

"It was loud and annoying," Sasuke replied, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

Jugo walked into the room and placed his empty mug and bowl in the sink. Sasuke leaned on the counter and drank his coffee.

"Sasuke's right, it was annoying," said Jugo.

Siugetsu stuck his tongue out at the two of them, and Sasuke flipped him off. Suigtesu faked offense, and the boys got ready to leave. They all left together and made their way to the school. A small crowd gathered around them as usual as they walked to school. The crowd was filled with girls, students, and random girls who were walking on the streets.

Sasuke and Jugo sped up to try and escape the crowd, but they all caught up with them. They bombarded the boys with gifts and offers. Sasuke just rolled his eyes and decided to ignore the noise.


A/N: I didn't really know what to write for this chapter pretty much a bunch of nonsense 

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