Chapter 10

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The next morning, Sasuke woke up to the noise of blaring music and his alarm again. He rolled his eyes and got up, ready for the morning. Suigetsu was probably going to do this every morning.

He walked into the kitchen and saw that Suigetsu was asleep on the counter again, but the bizarre part was that Suigetsu was asleep next to the speaker. Sasuke turned off the music and snapped his fingers in Suigetsu's face.

"Dude, I was having an awesome dream," Suigetsu said.

"Well, we have to leave soon."

Sasuke made himself coffee and poured himself a bowl of cereal. He ate his breakfast, then went to get his bag and leave for school. Slipping on his shoes, he opened the front door and left to walk to school.


Naruto rolled out of bed and onto the floor with a loud thud. He groaned in pain before getting up to get ready for school. When he opened his eyes to look at himself in the mirror, he saw that there was a large bruise on his arm from where he fell. Shrugging it off, he continued his morning as usual.

He left his apartment and walked to school. While he was walking, he saw Sasuke. He waved to him and ran over.

"Morning Sasuke!" Naruto said it cheerfully.

"Morning," Sasuke said bluntly.

The two were polar opposites in the morning. Sasuke didn't favour waking up early every day for school, and he did not have much energy. Naruto, on the other hand, is a morning person but just has a terrible sense of time.

The two walked to school together, mostly in silence. Naruto tried starting a conversation a couple of times, but Sasuke ended it quickly. It took Naruto a while to pick up that Sasuke was not a morning person and didn't want to talk.

They parted ways once they reached the school and went to talk to their separatist friends. While Naruto was talking with Shikamaru, Sakura came and tapped him on the shoulder.



"Just ask him out already," Sakura said earnestly.

Naruto looked at her like she was insane; how could he ask out a worldwide superstar who could have any girl he wanted at the snap of his finger? His net worth is greater than all of the money that Naruto has spent in his entire life. The short of it was that Naruto didn't have the balls to ask him out.

"No way," Naruto said.

"It's getting kind of annoying watching you two stare at each other back and forth and never meet eyes. That's just the beginning of it," Sakura said matter-of-factly.

"You're just saying that; we are just friends."

"Friends don't stare longingly at each other's lips."

Naruto opened his mouth to refute, but he had nothing to refute. He sighed and accepted defeat, but he did not accept the thought of asking Sasuke out. He just couldn't. There were so many possible outcomes, and he would be sacrificing their friendship.

Naruto rested his head on his desk and waited for class to begin. A part of him wanted to push the thought of asking Sasuke out, but another part of him thought about it. The thought hung in the back of his mind.


After school, Sasuke was walking to the cafe that Naruto worked at; he had been going there every day after school for a couple of months. The school year was a little past halfway through, and summer vacation was coming up.

While he was walking, Sasuke realized the real reason he goes to the cafe every day after school: it's not just because he loves coffee, but because he stares at Naruto the entire time he works. He had an excuse to hang around him and admire him. Sasuke loved watching his smile and laugh while talking and watching his cerulean eyes focus on what he was doing.

Sasuke shook the thoughts of Naruto out of his head, entered the shop, and took a seat. Maybe he would confess to Naruto soon; there was always a chance he would like him back. Also, who would pass up the chance to date a superstar, even for just a while?

When Sasuke sat down, he was immediately crowded by fans asking for photos, autographs, and date offers. This happened most of the time until Naruto shooed them away. Sasuke sighed and leaned his head back. Being famous sucked sometimes.

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