Chapter 14

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After school, Naruto had the day off from work, but to his connivance, none of his friends could hang out, so he went and asked Sasuke.

"Hey Sasuke!"

Sasuke turned to face Naruto.

"Do you want to hang out with me? I have the day off from work."

"Sure," Sasuke replied, "do you want to go see the cherry blossoms with me?"

"Sure," Naruto said, giving him his signature grin, which earned a small smile from Sasuke.

The two exited the school and made their way to the nearest grove of cherry blossoms. Sasuke watched Naruto talk, smile, and laugh as they walked. He nodded every once in a while to let Naruto know he was listening when he wasn't listening at all. He was too busy staring.

The grove of cherry blossoms was a hidden one, away from the tourists. There were only local people there and other students from the schools. There were couples walking, holding hands, friends having picnics, and parents with their kids.

Sasuke and Naruto took a seat next to each other under one of the trees and rested their heads on the trunks of the trees. Sasuke sat back and admired the view of Naruto, of course. He watched him as he laughed and talked, playing with the fallen petals on the ground. Sasuke smiled; he was having fun for the first time in a while, until a couple of girls from another school came over to ask for something.

"Are you Sasuke from Taka? One of the girls asked

"Yes," Sasuke replied nonchalantly.

"Can we take a picture?"

"No, now please leave me alone," Sasuke requested.

"Please," one of the girls begged.

"No," Sasuke replied firmly.

The girls walked away, and Sasuke heard one of them muffle their didn't think he would be such an asshole."

Sasuke brushed it off and went back to talking to Naruto, who had fallen silent when the girls walked over.

"You want to get something to eat? Sasuke asked.

"Sure," Naruto said.

They stood up and walked over to a ramen stand right outside the park. They sat down on two stools and waited to be served. The ramen shop owner walked over and took their orders. Naruto seemed to know him well.

The two continued to chat and eat their food. Sasuke was starting to consider telling Naruto how he felt. It seemed nice to do it under a cherry blossom tree. The two finished their food and went back to the grove of trees to relax.

"Hey Naruto," Sasuke said.

"Yeah?" Naruto said, looking up into the trees.

"I have something to tell you," Sasuske stated.

Naruto looked concerned. What is it?"

"I have had feelings for you for a while, since a month after we met. I just wanted to know if you Sasuke was cut off by Naruto's lips on his.

Naruto pulled Sasuke closer by his tie. Their lips parted, and Naruto grinned. The two stood up, and Sasuke looked down into Naruto's eyes.

"I take it you like me back?"

Naruto threw his arms around Sasuke's neck and stood on his toes, so his lips met Sasuke's once again.

"You want to go back to my apartment? Sasuke asked.

"Sure," Naruto replied.

The two walked hand-in-hand back to Sasuke's apartment. There were a bunch of people whispering and talking about them. The girls were giving each other looks and continued walking past instead of bothering Sasuke. For once, Sasuke felt at peace; he was with Naruto, there were no girls bothering him, and he could finally just take a walk.


A/N: omg it finally happened, kinda cringy tho idk.

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