Chapter 7

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When Naruto's shift ended, the group headed out to karaoke. Sakura was still crying over Sasuke, and Hinata tried to console her, but you could barely hear her over Sakura's sobs. Shikamaru rolled his eyes, and the boys tried to block the noise out of their ears.

They arrived at the karaoke place and went to their assigned room. Waiting for them were their other friends, Kiba, Ino, and Tenten. Ino immediately ran over to Sakura and tried to help console her, and Tenten followed.

Everyone sat down on the benches and started bickering over who was going to go first.

"Shika, do a duet with me," Naruto said, pulling him up.

"No, I don't sing."

"You do now," Naruto said, dragging him over and handing him a microphone.

"What a drag," Shikamaru mumbled, taking the microphone from Naruto's hand.

Naruto picked the song, and the music began to play. Naruto sang the first part. Unexpectedly, his voice was beautiful. Shikamaru, on the other hand, didn't really sing. He spoke the lyrics in a monotone voice, which led to everyone erupting in laughter. Naruto laughed as he sang, but that didn't let his voice falter.

When the song ended, the girls went up and sang together because Sakura had finally stopped crying. They ordered food, ate, and laughed together. Next up, all the boys sang a song from a boy band.

Next, everyone voted for someone to do a solo. It ended up with Naruto doing it. He suddenly felt pressured. He took a sip of water before walking up to grab a microphone. He stood singing, and everyone fell silent.

Naruto finished the song, and everyone sat there in awe.

Dude, you are really good at singing," Kiba said.

"That is right, Naruto; you have true talent," Lee added.

"Who's next?" Naruto asked, changing the subject.


Sasuke returned to the apartment after going to the cafe. When he got there, he was greeted by a group of people. Suigtesu's new friend, Jugo, was sitting with them, talking with some people.

"Hey Sasuke," he said, walking over," Suigtesu just invited some of his friends over, if that's okay."

Yeah, it's fine; I am just going to go to my room," Sasuke replied to him.

Sasuke opened the door to his bedroom and closed it behind him. When he turned around, he saw that there were a couple of girls looking around.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Sasuke asked.

"Omg, Sasuke, we are huge fans; we were just looking for something," one of the girls said.

"Get out of here, now," Sasuke said.

The girls giggled and scurried out of his room. He looked around to make sure that nothing was missing. Some of those fangirls were creepy. Sasuke went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He took a quick shower and put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Sasuke put on a pair of headphones and turned on some music. He opened up his book and began reading. Tonight was going to be nice and relaxing after that pink-haired girl bothered him twice.

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