Chapter 25

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Naruto wasn't sure whether he wanted to go or not. He wanted to be with Sasuke, but he didn't want to be constantly threatened by girls and have their relationship become public. It was all he could think about. There was nothing else. That Wednesday after school, Naruto sat down next to Shikamaru at the table next to the counter.

"Shika, I have been meaning to tell you about the offer that Sasuke gave me and ask for your advice," Naruto said.

"Hmm," he replied, making Naruto wonder if he was even listening.

"Should I go with him on tour? I mean, I love him, but I don't want to be constantly bombarded with threats from his fans and the press in my personal life. I don't know if I want to leave him, though. God, I don't know what I want to do," Naruto blurted.

"Look, if you want to be with him that bad, then go with him, but you are also going to give up your college education and your friendships. If you want to stay, then you are giving up staying with your first love," Shikamaru explained.

"Thanks for giving me a straight answer," Naruto pouted.

"When do they leave for the tour?"

"July 20."

"So you have some time to decide, so think about what you want for your life and if you want him to be in it."

"Well, I have to go back to work now," Naruto said, standing up.

He thought about it for the rest of his shift; time had passed faster than he thought. Shikamaru had already left, and it was time to close. Naruto grabbed his things and locked up the shop. He walked home slowly, looking up at the sky. The endless abyss

This decision would determine the rest of his future. He wanted to go to college, but he wanted to stay with Sasuke, and if he left for college, there was a chance that Naruto would never see him again. Or that Sasuke would forget him. There was a lot of pressure to make a decision by the end of the month. Before he leaves. There is a chance that they will never meet again.

When Naruto got home, he was exhausted from thinking and working all day. Final exams, picking a college, or picking if he was even going to go to one He turned on the shower to a boiling heat before stripping his clothes off and getting in. When the hot water hit his skin, it relaxed his muscles and his mind from the stress of life. Of just about everything.


a/n: honestly making this up as I go and I don't really know how this is going ot end, guess your going to have to wait and see

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