Chapter 29

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Naruto looked at the date. Today was the day. He had made up his mind. Naruto looked at the time; it was about time for him to leave. Naruto exited his apartment and walked at a moderate pace. He passed all the places that he and Sasuke had been together. When he finally reached Sasuke's apartment building, the bus was already out front, and waiting with it was Sasuke, leaning against the bus.

Sasuke and Naruto made eye contact, and Naruto smiled as a tear slid down his cheek. He ran toward Sasuke. Naruto threw his arms around Sasuke's, and his arms found their place on Naruto's waist. Naruto soaked Sasuke's t-shirt with his tears.

"Where are your bags? Why are you crying?" Sasuke asked.

"I'm not coming," Naruto said, choking on his sobs.

Sasuke's face dropped. He thought that he had won Naruto's heart and that they could be together no matter how many other people wanted to date him. Sasuke wanted to spend the rest of his life with Naruto. Sasuke felt a stab of pain in his chest. He had only ever felt this true sense of sadness once before.

"I just wanted to see you before you left," Naruto said between sobs.

Sasuke faced Naruto and wiped the tears off his cheeks. Then he pulled Naruto's face to his, kissing him deeply. Naruto kissed him back. They broke apart, and Sasuke was the first one to speak up.

"I respect your decision."

"Call me next time you're in the city," Naruto smiled, tears still falling even though he was sad.

They kissed one last time before Sasuke turned and got on the bus. While he was going up the steps, he turned to Naruto and said his last words to him.

"I hope we can meet again, and then our fate can change."

Sasuke turned back and got on the bus. He plopped down on the couch of the tour bus and buried his face in his hands. His world was gone. Even though he had only known Naruto for less than a year and dated him for less than a week, it was one of the best times he had had in his life, and he didn't want to let it go.

The bus pulled away, and Naruto watched as it drove off into the distance until it was out of view. He collapsed onto his knees, curling up in a ball. He did what was best for him; he had put himself first, but now he felt selfish. That wasn't what Sasuke wanted; it was what it was.

"Are you okay?" Naruto looked up to see that creepy guy from the cafe.

He couldn't deal with him right now. Naruto got off his knees and bolted towards his house, running like he never had before. When he reached home, he wasn't done crying. It was too much for him. This was the first time he lost someone he truly loved. It wasn't his first love, sure, but it was his most meaningful one.

While Naruto was lying on the couch, tears still streaming down his face, he mumbled something.

"I wish I could pick both."


a/n: this chapter so angsty, made myself sad while writing it, how do you guys like it?

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