Chapter 8

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When karaoke was over, everyone was tired, and it was late. They still had school tomorrow, which the whole group dreaded going to. They all walked home in groups until it was just Naruto entering his apartment. He dropped his things on the floor and slid off his shoes. He walked straight to the bathroom to rinse off in the shower before getting dressed in his pajamas.

It had been a long night, and it was already 10:30. Naruto felt his eyelids grow heavy as he flopped onto his bed and pulled the covers up to his chin. He let himself fall into a deep sleep.


Someone knocked on Sasuke's bedroom door.

"Come in," he said, taking out his earbuds.

"You want to join us for dinner?" Jugo offered.

Jugo was always nicer and more considerate than Suigetsu. He always looked after everyone, kind of like a parent.

Sasuke entered the room and sat down at the dining table with everyone else. Everyone was chatting loudly and eating. Sasuke just sat at the end of the table, eating his food quietly. Sasuke valued his time alone and didn't like it when people invaded it.

Sasuke finished quickly and went back to his room, where he shut the door. He laid back down on his bed and went back to listening to music and reading his books. Maybe tomorrow he will go out and fill his empty bookshelf.

The time had passed fast because, before Sasuke even knew it, it was 10 PM. Sasuke also valued privacy, and that was sleep. He assumed everyone had left since the house had quieted down.

He put all of his things on his nightstand and turned off the light. Sasuke closed his eyes and let his body relax until he fell asleep.


The next morning, Naruto turned and looked at the time. He was going to be late again. He jumped out of bed and put on his uniform while running out of his bedroom to get his things. He skipped breakfast and slid on his shoes before snatching his schoolbag off the floor and sprinting out the door.

He ran down the street, swerving in between other pedestrians on the sidewalk. Naruto made it to school just in time. He collapsed at his desk as the bell rang.

Naruto immediately perked back up and walked over to Sasuke. He skipped being his guide yesterday; it was time to resume his duties today.

"Good morning, Sasuke," Naruto greeted him with a bright smile.

"Morning," Sasuke replied.

"Ready to finish the tour?"

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