Chapter 2

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??? pov :

Started slipping off my coffee peacefully when one of my men arrived I took a sec and looked into his eyes deeply which were shivering with fear he shifted his gaze to the ground " Sir that prin---ciple from the ××× unive-r-si-ty didn't pay our debt ti--ll now " I smirked against the thought of beating that fucking bastard " Take me to the university " I said switching my gaze and started walking to my car one of my men open the door for me I hoped in the car begin to move  ' Wait till I arrive, Mr Choi ' I thought.

Time skip at university :

We entered the main gate of the university I can see people moving away from my car a smirk on my face getting out of the car I went straight to the principal cabin a sudden jerk appeared and his face became pale just by watching my appearance

" pl-ease ta-ke a se-at " I took a seat.

Author's pov :

" what about the debt you have to pay Mr Choi," the middle-aged young man said  " Umm Mr Kim c-an I hav-e fe-w mo-re days to pay you off, I'm out of m-oney right now," said Mr Choi. The middle-aged man is not convinced by his words he stretches his hand back to his torso and pulls out the gun and aims at the person "Pl--e-a-s-e Mr ki-m g-i-ve me on l-ast ch-ance" said Mr Choi while stuttering badly. The middle-aged man thinks for a min " Ok this is your last chance if not I don't think a Sec to rip your head out of your body " The young man States dangerously making everyone present in the room gasp hard by his statement " Tha-nk yo-u Mr Kim " the man bowed politely


" you know he is mafia king KIM TAEHYUNG " " Oo my God he is so fucking handsome " "Hey stop looking at him" While entering the cafeteria I heard gossip wondering around me whipping it off I started moving from that area but stopped for a moment when I hear a melodic giggling, I shifted my glance where that sound was coming for a moment I get lost in her beauty... 

I never saw such a beautiful girl
Her big doe eyes which I want to drown in them
Her cute little smile makes me happy for some reason
Her innocent face that I want to ruin it
Her rosy kissable lips made me weak
Her long black hair the way it moves
Her angelic giggling gave me peace

" I WANT HER " was the only thought that appeared in my mind.

I was about to move to her when my bodyguard came and said something that make my blood boil with anger.

I hurriedly left the place but my mind is still on that moment "See you soon princess in my hands "

To be continued


Sorry sweeties I know this is a short chapter but hope you enjoyed it

Words: 500

For any suggestions dm me on insta: @nabiie🤍🦋

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