Chapter 18

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Tae's pov:

I was working when I heard the door opening sound I looked in that direction

I saw my beautiful lady

She came with my long-sleeve white shirt and black shorts which appeared till her upper knees

I licked my lips looking at her milky white skin

She is looking damn hot and sexy at the same time

" Tae I think your shirt is too big for me " she said

Yes she looks so small beside me

How can she even take me inside her??

But it only belongs to her

" Tae " she called once again

" Yes baby " I replied

"I've been calling you for the past few minutes why are you not responding "

I didn't reply to her

Instead, I walked towards her and took her into my arms

And slowly placed her on the soft mattress

I hovered above her

And started kissing her slowly

I think she is still in shock

So I bite her lower lip to say kiss me back

She started responding to my kiss

The slow kiss started to become a heat intense kiss

Our tongues are fighting for dominance

She started tapping my shoulder

I noticed that she was out of breath

So I left her lips

And started attacking her sexy neck

I started sucking on her skin hardly

" Ahh Tae " she started moaning

Her moans are music to my ears

My hands went towards the shirt buttons I opened the  bottom two buttons

I moved my fingers around her beautiful navel

I didn't stop creating art on her neck

I started massaging her navel with one hand

I stopped marking her neck and went towards her lips I deepened the kiss with the other hand

We are getting hot and sweaty even though the climate isn't helping us

My hands travel down to her navel but before I placed my hand she stopped

I stopped kissing and looked at her

" Princess, what happened? " I asked her softly

" I'm not ready yet I'm sorry " she said looking down

I understood her

It's way too fast between us

" I'm not familiar with this type of physical touch before so " she started to explain

I stopped her

" Princess it's fine we do that when you're completely fine with that okay," I said she nodded her head

" Good now come let's sleep," I said and went beside her

I took the blanket and covered ourselves

She placed her head on my hand

I pulled her towards me

And hugged her

She did the same

Within seconds we drifted into sleep

Next morning :

I woke up and looked beside

I found my beautiful angel sleeping peacefully

She is so cute when she is sleeping

Her innocent face

The hair strands covered her face, so I slightly moved them and tugged beside her ears

Her lips made a cute pout making me want to kiss them

I pecked her lips and went to take a shower

After I got fresh up I went towards the bed she was still sleeping

So I don't want to disturb her

I called a maid and told her to look after her until I return

I went to my company to sign some papers

Y/n pov:

I woke up and saw beside me

He isn't here

So I tried to get up from bed but I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen

" Shit "


To be continued;

Loves this is a short chapter hope you'll enjoy 🤍

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