chapter 19

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Y/n pov:

"shit" I mumbled

I got my periods

I stained his White shirt and bedsheets

What should I do now??

But before I could process everything the door opened revealing him

I got tense thinking if he was going to scold me since I ruined his favourite shirt

he started coming close to the bed

I stayed still

"Princess is everything okay why are you looking so pale" he asked in a worried tone

I remained silent

Tears started flowing from my eyes

Ugh this mood swings

He got even more worried

" Princess, Baby, look at me," he said softly and placed his hands around my cheeks

And slowly cupped it

" Princess " he called me I nodded

He slowly whipped my tears with his thumbs

" Baby it's alright tell me what happened "

"Has anyone done something wrong?? " he asked

" No," I said slowly

" Do you miss your parents?? " he asked

" No"

" Then tell me what happened I'm here for you " he said

I thought for a second

" Tae I'm S-orry I ru-ined your sh-irt," I said and tears again started flowing

" Baby please stop crying listen that shirt is nothing compared to you"

" I thought you would scold me," I said tearing up badly

" Princess I will never scold you "

" You're my everything I'm nothing without you "

" I love you," he said and kissed my forehead

" I love you too," I said hugging him tightly

" Princess wait here I will go and prepare a shower for you " he said I nodded

He gently placed me on the bed

And went inside the washroom

After a few minutes :

He came out of the washroom

" Princess can you walk or should I help? " he asked politely

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