Chapter 6

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Y/n pov :

The sound of the clock is the only thing I can hear in this whole damn room.

My anxiety and nervousness are increasing every second.

The only thing running through my mind

' Should I go or not '

Then an idea popped into my mind

' yes I should call her ' I mumbled

On call:

Y/n: hello Mina

Mina: Hello cupcake, is there any problem I can feel the tension in your voice

Y/n: Umm I want to ask something. Can I?

Mina: of course, baby tell me

Y/n: just don't freak out ok

Mina: Hmm ok

Y/n: Yesterday I got a message from the unknown number

Mina: Who is that?

Y/n: it's him that mafia Mr Kim

Mina: ohh! But how did he get your number?

Y/n: I don't know maybe he has his ways well that's not important first listen to me

Mina: yeah tell

Y/n: that umm that

Mina: Baby are you trying to give me heartache come on make it fast

Y/n: heconfessedtome

I said in one breath

Mina: what!!! I can't understand can you repeat it slowly

Y/n: he confessed to me

Mina: he what!!!!!

Y/n: yes he text me ' I love you '

Mina: what did you reply to him?

Y/n: I didn't tell him anything yet

Mina: ok then

Y/n: he texts me to meet him for a date

Mina: what are you going to do?

Y/n: I can't decide myself so I want your opinion

Mina: let me think

After a good one minute

Mina: I think you should go and meet him and clear this topic

Y/n: are you sure?

Mina: Ya! I think you have to go and remember what I said before 'You have to fight for yourself '. But send me your location when you arrive at the restaurant

Y/n: ok thanks Mina

Mina: you're always welcome baby

Y/n: ok bye

Mina: bye careful

Call end

Still, I'm not sure whether to go or not

After 15 minutes of battle, I decided to go

But what should I wear?

My eyes are wandering around the closet and landed on a specific dress.

It's just a simple white floral dress that reaches down to my knees.

It's just a simple white floral dress that reaches down to my knees

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I did simple makeup with my hair open.

And last, I took a look at my clock it shows 6:50.

I reach my downstairs

Then I saw the black luxurious car I think its Porsche Panamera

I silently went towards the car suddenly out of blue a man came and opened the door for me.

I thanked him and hopped in the car

That ride was damn silent

After 20-30 minutes we reach our destination

A man came and opened the door for me


He is not the man I saw earlier than who he is?


To be continued...

Who do you think he would be?

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