chapter 5

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Y/n pov :

Unknown number:

"Good night princess sleep tight"



I was about to scream just then realisation hit me

I calm down myself

" Did he just say I lov-e you? " I gasp.

I'm shaking right now

Then I remembered Mina's words

' you have to fight for yourself '

I build up my courage and was about to text him back but interrupted by a doorknock.

" Baby," my dad said and knocked on the door.

"Appa!!" I replied to him back

"Baby why didn't you sleep till now," he said with a worried face.

" I'm just going to sleep appa," I said

" Ok baby good night," he said and left from there.

" good night appa " With that I switched off my lights and drifted to my dreamland.

Time skip morning :

I woke up due to my mom shouting.

" y/n wake up it's already late, " my mom said and knocked on the door with a loud thud.

" yes eomma give me 15 minutes I will be
downstairs" I yelled and ran to my washroom to do my morning routine.

After a few more minutes :

I get my bag and hurriedly went downstairs.

" yay y/n eat your breakfast " Eomma yelled inside the house

"I do my breakfast at the canteen eomma" I yell back and left for my university.

Time skip at university :

I reached my university.

I took a glance at my watch it shows I still have 5 minutes left to start my classes.

I started walking to my class just then I bump into someone

" Jay," I said

" Ohh y/n I'm sorry I didn't look up " he said

" That's Ok Jay where have you been, I haven't seen you since that day, " I said hanging my head low.

" Hm, that I have been so low, I think I need some space so I haven't contacted you," he said while scratching the backside of his neck.

"I wan-" just then the bell rang.

"Ok bye y/n we catch up some time I have to attend this class" he apologized.

I gave him a nod ' OK '

With that, we left for our respective classes.

I'm listening to the class super concentrated.

To be honest I have a crush on my maths professor.

He is so hot and sexy at the same time.

And the most important thing is his cute gummy smile.

" Ok does anyone have any queries on this topic? " he asked.

" then that's all for today," he said smiling at me and left.

" thank-you Mr min, " I said and bowed to him.

' God did he just smile at me ' I thought and blushed.

I feel a buzz in my pocket

I took a look at the message.

Unknown number :


"Good night princess sleep tight"



" Get ready by 7:00 pm we will meet at
××× restaurant "

" my car will be waiting for you at your house "

" bye "



To be continued

Sweeties, I know this is a short chapter sorry for that.

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