Chapter 22

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Tae pov:

I got numb after hearing what her father said

My dreams started to collapse

Losing her is my biggest nightmare ever

I should not give up on her easily

" Mr Lee " I called out

" Do you want anything, Mr Kim?" he said sternly

A part of me started to get furious

But I stayed calm

" Yes Mr. Lee I need your daughter," I said

He starred at me with no expression written on his face

" I think I already told you, Mr Kim, we are not going to marry our daughter to a ruthless Mafia " Mr lee said

" And I'm telling you that I'm not going to give up on her until my last breath," I said looking into her eyes

" Appa I love him so much, please let us be together," she said tears rolling from her beautiful eyes

Mr Lee wiped her tears off

" Listen Baby I will accept anyone you love
except him " Mr lee said

" Waee?? " (why) she said angrily

" Because he is a Mafia king and if you marry him, his enemies will attack you. I don't want my daughter to suffer from these mafia issues. I just want you to live happily with your loved ones forever. Understand?? "

" I don't wanna regret choosing him for you "

" Did you get it, baby?? Appa always want to see you happy " he said and kissed her forehead

She stopped crying and looked at me

Her eyes are telling me to not Leave her

Those eyes are begging me to make her mine

I can easily get her using my mafia power

But I want her parents to accept me as their own will

" Sir I never asked anyone like this  but please let her be with me I'm begging you," I said going down on my knees

Y/n and her mother are shocked as I kneeled in front of him

Her father seems to be convinced

" Stand Up Mr Kim," he said

I did what he said

I will do anything to make her mine

" I will give you my daughter," he said

We finally took a deep breath

" Thank you, sir," I said

" But one condition," he said

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