Chapter 21

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Y/n pov:


Tae: So what do we have to do now?

Y/n: I have no idea but one thing we have to be honest and I don't want to lie to them

Tae: OK princess as you say

Y/n: OK then let's meet tomorrow at my house sharp at 10:30 don't be late okay

Tae: yes princess

Y/n: Bye good night

Tae: I love you

Y/n: I love you too

Tae: bye

Call ended

I am so nervous about tomorrow since I have no idea how they gonna react

Yes I told them about Tae

But I haven't told them he is MAFIA

They invited him to meet them in person

Anyway let's hope for the best

I turned off the lights and drifted into my dreamland

Tae's pov:

" Why do you want to meet me at this time? " jungkook said exhausted cause of his work I think so

"Y/n parents want to meet me," I said

" What??" He yelled maybe he was kinda surprised

" I didn't think that you were in a serious relationship with her I thought you just having some fun with her "

" No way you're in love with her bro " he said breathlessly

I nodded listening to his words

" I understand cause I never looked at any women since I thought everyone who approached me are mostly whores"

" But this girl is something believe me jungkook I'm so in love with her now I'm too afraid to lose her she is the only person I have and I honestly don't want anyone else apart from her. After meeting her I  completely changed now she is my life "

After listening to my words jungkook got a bit emotional

" I'm so happy for you hyungaa " he said and hugged me

" So tell me what do you want from me? " he asked

" I need your help so tell me how to impress her
parents " I asked him

"You're in good hands, Mr Kim let me teach you," he said like a professional I chuckled cause he looked cute

" Hey, why are you smiling?? " he asked making an angry pout

" I thought you were cute but now looking at your pout I think I made the wrong decision calling you cute," I said and laughed

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