Chapter 30

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Y/n pov:

It's been 10 days since we visited Paris days just passed in the blink of an eye

We enjoyed a lot in these few days

The bond between us has become a lot stronger as we spend time together

Today is our last day in Paris

We are going to visit the Eiffel Tower

" Princess come let's go!! " he said

" Coming honey " I replied

Putting my lip balm into my cute little purse

Just girl's essential things

" You're becoming even more beautiful these days princess " he said a red tint formed on my cheeks

I showed him a shy smile and handed my hand to him

We walked through the roads

It is a short distance from our hotel

We soon reached the Eiffel Tower

My first glimpse at the Tower I never forget this moment

" Come let's go upstairs huh," He asked I nodded

We soon reached the upstairs of the Eiffel Tower

This must be the most beautiful view I have ever seen

" Tae look, the city looks so beautiful and peaceful right " I said

" Yes princess it looks so beautiful as you said " he replied

We are standing at the highest position in the Eiffel Tower

I just roamed my eyes downstairs from the view

Suddenly I feel I've lost my balance  

Then it went blank

The last thing I heard was Taehyung calling my name

Time skip:

I woke up experiencing sharp pain in my head

I looked at my surroundings

I was in a closed room I think it was a hospital

Soon a nurse came she softly smiled at me

I looked at her in confusion

" Mrs Kim, how are you feeling now? " the doctor asked

" Better but what happened to me? " I said

" Congratulations Mrs Kim you're pregnant," she said

I was too stunned to speak no word came out of my mouth

' I'm pregnant ' ' We are going to have a baby ' ' We are going to be parents ' This thought came to my mind

" Mr Kim is outside I'm going to leave " the doctor said and left

Soon the door opened revealing my husband

He had tears in his eyes

He didn't mutter a single word either I did

He came closer and pecked my forehead

" Thank you "The word slipped out

We both are smiling with tears in our eyes

I wish we live happily and grow old together



" Minjun eat this properly we're gonna be late for school "

" Eomma it's not fitting in my mouth " he replied cutely

" My over-smart son you have to remove the top portion then you can eat, " I said he laughed at his dumb actions

" Good morning wifey "

" Good morning hubby "

He came and pecked mine and Minjun's forehead

" Where is my daughter? "

" She is sleeping " I replied

Now our family is completed

We are four



Our son: Kim Minjun

Our daughter: Kim ji-yoon

5 years have passed since we got married

These are the best days of my life

" wait I will pick her up " Tae said and went to pick her up she is 6 months old

" See my little princess is up " Tae said and kissed her face

She giggled and made a cute little pout

" Appa loves you so much " Tae said

" Appa then what about me? " Minjun said stood up angrily

" I too love you, my Prince," he said and pecked his forehead

" Then what about me huh you'll forgetted me huh? "

I said acting angrily

" How can I forget my princess huh I love you more princess," he said and captured my lips



So my sweeties the story ended successfully and I'm thankful to every person who read this book and made my day

I'm going to soon publish another book

Please show some love 🤍

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