chapter 3

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Authors  pov :

A dark aura is filled in the chamber, and blood stains are all over the floor, a man is tied to a chair, blood oozing out of his body, and fear is returned all over his face. suddenly a door-cracking sound eco filled all over the chamber, the man begins to shake he knows what is coming for him

A pair of footsteps begin to approach him "Stop struggling if you move an inch I'm gonna rip your heart out of your fucking body" a sound forwarded to the man making him gulp by his dangerous statement
"M-r ki-m pl-eas-ee le-ave me I be-g yo-u," the man said while pleading him. "Do I tell you to speak?" Taehyung said while aiming the gun at the man. The man started crying while pleading to let him go but it doesn't bother the monster he smirked before saying
"I believe you like a moron but you leak my information to that bastard how can I forgive you Mr wang " With that a bullet travelled through the man resulting, his dead body landing on the ground. "Clear the body" With that he left the chamber.

Time skip at night :

Taehyung pov :

For the past hour, I'm trying to sleep but the visual of my angel appearing made me smile like crazy I have never in my life blushed like this. Only my angel can make me blush, she is the reason behind my happiness I  want her in my life no matter what happens I will protect her. Currently, my mind was crowded with her thoughts. I don't know when I fell asleep.

Time skip morning :

  Y/n pov :

I started rolling onto my bed, I peek at my alarm it shows I have one more hour left to reach my university, I need to start getting ready but being a  lazy person I don't want to leave my beautiful bed "Ahh y/n get up you lazy ass" I said to myself and giggled. Yesterday I enjoyed a lot thanks to Mina it's all because of her. We went to our favourite movie and then shopping. " ugh I don't want to attend my classes but I need to submit my assignment ". After 15 minutes of overthinking, I begin to get ready.

" Eomma " I yell while coming downstairs.

" Stop shouting are you going to break my ear " my mom said I giggled.

"Eomma where is Appa," I asked sitting on my comfortable chair.

" I'm here," he said excitedly I stood up and give him a warm hug.

"Appa I'm Hungry," I said and pouted.

" Ohh my baby is hungry come on have some breakfast later I drop you at your university," he said.

"Ok Appa," I said and started eating my delicious breakfast I must say Eomma cooks so tasty.

I completed my breakfast " thank-you for your breakfast eomma" I said and peck her cheek.

"Appa I'll go and get my bag," I said while running upstairs.

Author's pov :

"Baby careful ahh this girl when will she learn," Mr Lee said.

"She is still a baby" Mrs lee adores her daughter.

"Eomma bye see you," Y/n said and pecked Mrs lee cheeks.

Time skip at university:

"Take care, baby," Mr Lee said while waving his hand.

"Bye appa," she said and left.

Y/n pov:

I entered the university and started walking to my class I can see some starings at me.

' why are they staring at me like that? ' I thought and when to my class.

Then I saw a male figure sitting on a chair like a king with a gun in his hand.

'Oh my God he is so fucking handsome' Y/n what are you even thinking stop drooling at him I scolded myself.

But then what he said made me choke.



To be continued..

Words: 655

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