Chapter 7

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Y/n pov:

I slightly bend to look at that person's face and

He is ' Mr Kim '.

He gave me his right hand to hold my hand I slowly took his hand and thanked him.

" you look, beautiful princess," he said

I blushed a little.

" thank-you Mr Kim," I said politely

"Princess calls me by my name," he said sternly I gasped and nodded in return.

" thank-you Mr-- Ta-eh-yung," I said while stuttering badly.

He smiled in return

" come on let's go " he said excitedly.

"Hmm," I replied

We started walking into the restaurant. The restaurant is so beautiful it has a perfect ambience. I started admiring the whole room. But something is off

' why are all seats empty ' I mumbled

" sir here is your table," a man said I think it was the  manager

While he just nodded his head and signalled him to go.

The manager left while bowing

Then Mr Kim walks forward and pulls out a chair like a gentleman and gestured for me to sit

I took my seat and thanked him.

Then he gives me the menu card

" Princess order whatever want, " he said

" Anything is ok for me Mr sorry Taehyung," I said and laughed awkwardly

He smiled and place the order for us

It's been 5 minutes since we haven't talked yet the room is filled with silence

I pulled out my courage and decided to speak

" Can I ask you something?" I said

" Anything princess," he said

" Umm why did you text me, " I asked politely

" To talk with you " he replied

" what do you want to talk about with me? " I asked

" That's something very important," he said I turn all my concentration to his words and patiently waited for him to say

" I LOVE YOU," he said I look at him in disbelief

" what??? " I yelled

" shh princess calm down "

" I know this is very sudden but I can't stop my feelings so I decided to tell you that's the reason I texted you," he said calmly

" I'm sorry taehyung," I said fear took over my body some random questions ran through my mind

" Princess, I can take you by force if I can but I want your love, not your body "

" I can do anything for you to fall in love with me, please give me one chance," he said while slightly pleading

I can feel the sincerity in his words but I'm afraid cause he is mafia

He may harm my family and friends

But still, I want to trust him for some reason

" Fine I'll give you a chance to try if you can make me fall in love with you, " I said hearing his face lights up but the next thing made me shock

He pulls me into a hug

This was my first time hugging a man

His hug is so warm and comforting

This makes me feel safe

"Thank you, princess, and I promise I will make you fall in love with me," he said showing his boxy smile. For a second I got lost in his smile

Aww he is looking so adorable my poor heart

" come on let's have our food it's getting cold," I said changing the topic

While eating our food we talk about a lot of stuff

I like his company he is not that bad the way others tell.

After a few minutes, we completed our food and I forgot to tell you the food is amazing it's so good

" It's getting late let me drop you at your house," he said while looking at the watch

"It's ok I can manage you can go" I said

" No princess it's already late let me drop you," he said

I don't have any chance he is right its already late

" ok " I replied

Then a car appeared in front of us a man came out of it and handled the keys to him

And left

We walked towards the car he opened the door for me I thanked him and get in the car

He started driving

' He looks so hot while driving ' I thought

I came out of my dreamland when his eyes fell on me

I diverted my gaze and looked at the outside from the window

' I probably look like a Red Tomato by now ' I thought and scolded myself for drooling at him.

" Princess, are you ok? " he asked

" ye-s,"  I said shit why the hell did stutter

" But you look so red? Are you sure that you are ok princess? " he asked worriedly

" If you want we can go to the hospital," he said

" No no, I'm perfectly alright just it's so hot here I think I should open the window," I said nervously and smiled

" Ok then," he said but I'm sure is not convinced by my answer

I quickly changed the topic

" umm, taehyung why do you call me princess? " I asked with curiosity

" Because you're my princess," he said while looking right into my eyes

I blushed at his statement

" you know princess you look extra beautiful when blushing," he said and I started to blush more

"yeah stop taehyung," I said slightly hitting his arm

He chuckled

" ok baby I do whatever you say," he said playfully

I close my face with my hands and try to not blush any more

Finally, we reach my house

He opened the door for me

" thank-you for your dinner taehyung I enjoyed it a lot bye " I said

" ok love you too," he said

" what I said bye, " I said

" ohh you said bye I heard it as Love you," he said

I blushed

" bye," I said walking into my house

I can hear him saying

" Love you too "

( I took this conversation somewhere I know )

Sweeties ignore the mistakes

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