Chapter 13

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A/n pov:

currently, y/n is trying to fall asleep but she can't

As she thinks about the earlier conversation with him. The only thing running through her mind
right now is-

'Does she love him or is it just an attraction?' These are the questions that have been roaming in her mind.

After a long battle with her mind and heart, she fell asleep

Next Morning:

Y/n is getting ready for University. After her morning routine, she went to take breakfast

Y/n pov:

" Good morning appa," I said a little exhausted

" Good morning baby have you not slept well last night? "
Dad asked taking a brief look at my face

" Yes, Appa! I went to dinner with my friend I came up late that's why I can't sleep well last night " I said softly and sat on the chair

" Friend? Which friend? The one whom you went to dinner with last time? " Appa asked

" Yeah," I said in a low voice

" Why don't you bring him home? I haven't met him yet " Dad said

" Today I'm going to solve some matters after I invite him home," I said munching my sandwich

" oh okay, at least can you tell me his name? " he said sipping his coffee

" I will tell you everything once I get home," I told he nodded his head in response

Later :

We completed our breakfast and headed towards the car

Dad gives me a ride to the university as always

As usual, I feel someone's Eyes on me I thought it was a hallucination so I went to my classroom.

After I reach our classroom Mina is already waiting for me sitting across my table

" Cupcake finally you came!! " she said and hugged me

" Why are you waiting for me? " I asked while sitting at my place

" Come on spill the tea!! " she said

" About what? " I asked

" Things happened between you and Mr Kim last night," she said

" Nothing," I said changing my position

" Nothing?? I know something is off come on tell me everything that happened between you two " she said placing her hand on mine

I explained everything that happened to her

" So what are you going to say? " she asked

" I don't know, " I said dumbfounded

" Are you serious? I know you love him " she exclaimed

" How do you know? " I asked as I have no idea how she found it

" By just looking at you! " she said now I'm too confused

" Ok hear me " she said continuing what she is trying to say

" I'm all ears," I said she nodded

" do you remember the questions that I asked you? " she asked I nodded

" So when you try to answer those questions I'm asking you, I have seen a sparkle in your eyes when you talk about him "

" I never saw that much excitement when you speak about someone "

" When he went to the mission you didn't see him 3 days I can say those are the most lonely days in your life till now "

" If you fall in love it doesn't mean how many years you know each other, it means how much you both fall for each other every second "

" Do you still need more reasons? " she asked I was so surprised

This means I'm in love

" Thank you, Mina "

" Now I know what is happening in me, I'm in love," I said and hugged her

" So when are you going to tell him? " she asked

" Now," I said and picked up my phone


Mr mafia :


Meet me in 10 minutes at the
××× park near our university

' Seen now '

Yes my lady

Chat ended

" Mina I'm going to meet him," I said and packed my bag

" Ok best of luck my cupcake," she said

I started walking to the park as fast as I can

A/n pov:

Y/n reached the park and waited for Taehyung

She keeps on glancing at her watch

" Why is he so late? " she said and sat near a bench

A little girl approaches y/n

" Unnie can you tell me this address? " the little girl said and handed her a piece of paper

Y/n took the paper from her and looked at the address

" This is the next street kiddo do you want me to help you? " the little girl nodded her head

Y/n holds that little girl's hand and starts walking towards the street

" Where are your parents, sweetie? " Y/n asked the little girl

The little girl left her hand and smiled looking at
Y/n's face

Y/n got confused and was about to ask that girl
' why she is smiling? ' but before she asks

A cloth-covered y/n face makes her unconscious

" We got her sir, " A man said and ended the call


To be continued

Hope you all like this chapter

Guess what happens to y/n next????

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