chapter 14

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Tae's pov:

" Shit I'm late "

" Can you bring those flowers fast, please? " I said to the lady in the flower shop

" Yes sir " " Here," she said and handed me a bunch of flowers

" Yes sir " " Here," she said and handed me a bunch of flowers

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" Thank you, " I said and left there

I started driving fast as I got late due to that drug dealing matter

My heart started beating faster as a got close to the park

' Will she accept me? ' the only query running through my mind

A few minutes later:

I reached the park but I haven't seen her

So I started searching for her but I can't find her

Then I tried to call her but

Her phone is out of coverage area

I started running throughout the park calling her name but I didn't get any response

" Have you seen this girl? " I asked everyone showing her picture

" no " was the only answer I was getting

Now I'm fucking out of my mind where the hell did she go

What if anything happens to her?

No no this is never gonna happen

I'm gonna protect her

What should I do?


I picked up my phone and called

On call :

??? : Hello who is this?

Me: Mina

Mina: Mr Kim

Me: yes

Mina: Mr Kim why did you call me?

Me: is y/n with you?

Mina: why would she be with me? She left the university over 30 minutes ago to meet you at the park

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