Chapter 10

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Y/n pov:

From now onwards the only crush I have became my
' Brother ' I'm kinda low but happy that I made a brother which I've been dreaming of since my childhood.

Even though he is not my biological brother but I'm gonna treat him like my own brother.

I got lost in my thoughts

When I took a look at my clock it shows '10:56'

So I decided to sleep

I drifted into sleep in half a min as you know I'm a heavy sleeper

Suddenly I feel someone's presence behind me

When I try to shout a hand closed my mouth

I was so scared at this moment then I hear

" shh it's me "

I slowly started opening my eyes and he is


" Princess calm down it's me," he said

With that, I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes

" taehyung what are you doing here? At this time? " I asked him

He smiled before replying

"I'm sorry princess I haven't contacted you during the mission as I told you there is no signal in that area. Today we completed our mission and came back but
' I miss you so much ' as I haven't seen you for the last few days so I decided to come to your place. But I made you scared"

" so again I'm sorry princess," he said

Hearing what he said I smiled at him

But my smile got vanished when I look at his wound

" Taehyungaa what happened to your hand? "

" It's just a small wound princess I think I got this during the mission," he said and trying to pull back his hand

I held his hand

" It's not a small wound can you see blood is still oozing out from the flesh," I said and started searching

" Princess, what are you searching for now? " he asked but I'm not in the state to reply to him

Finally, I found it

" let me treat your wound," I said and started opening the first aid box

Taehyung pov:

I got cut during the mission at my shoulder but I'm not in the mood to treat my wound as I'm eager to see my princess

Now she is going to treat my wound

' I'm so lucky to have her ' I thought

She is sitting across from me and hanging her head down

I get why she is keeping her head down

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