Chapter 25

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On the Wedding day:

Y/n pov:

Today is our wedding

It's going to start in a few minutes

I did well in my exams

The last two days are the most busiest days in my life

Everything is done in just two days

Tae took care of everything

I slid off my dress and started wearing the wedding attire

I slid off my dress and started wearing the wedding attire

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I looked at my reflection in the mirror

' This looks good on me ' I thought

The door opened revealing two middle-aged women

They bowed at me

" Hello, Ms Lee We are here to do your makeup " one lady said

" We are hired by Mr Kim, "another lady said

" Oh sure you can start the process by the way what's your name? " I asked

" We are sorry Madam according to the Master's rule we can't reveal our identity unless he says, " they said and gradually apologized

" That's fine, there is no need to feel sorry," I said

" Thank you, Ms Lee, for understanding us," they said

Then they started doing my facial makeup

" Ms Lee, do you prefer simple or over make-up? " One lady asked

" Make it look more natural " I answered they nodded

After a few minutes:

" You look so beautiful, Ms Lee," they said together

" Thank you, " I said and blushed a little

I walked towards the door with flowers on my hands

The door opened revealing my parents

My mom is holding her tears same goes with my dad

" OMG! You look so beautiful sweetie " my mom said

" Yes baby you look so perfect, I can't believe my daughter is going to get married," he said holding my hands

I looked beside them

" Mina,"

She is standing there with tears in her eyes

" My cupcake," she said and hugged me

" I'm so happy that you're getting married "

" Come, baby let's go it's getting late " Appa said

I hold his arm

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