Chapter 16

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Tae pov:

" Doctor Is everything fine," I asked the doctor since I am feeling nervous about her

"Mr Kim everything is fine she just fainted because of her low diet" he said making me relief

I sighed

" Can I meet her? "

" Yes Mr Kim," the doctor said and left there

I reached her room and opened the door I think she didn't get consciousness yet

I slowly walked to her

She is sleeping like a baby

It all happened because of me

I'm the one who gets her into this situation

She is pure I don't deserve her

But without her, I can't think too of surviving apart from her because she is my oxygen 

I placed my hand on her head

" I'm sorry princess for bringing you into this situation I promise this will never happen again "

A lone tear escaped from my eye

She slowly started moving and opened her eyes

" Tae," she said and started sobbing

" Princess please don't cry "

" Princess look at me "

" See I'm fine, please stop crying "

" Princess you're tears are hurting me, please stop crying," I said while tapping on her hand

" Ta-e  I th-ough-t we ma-y die," she said crying hardly

" Princess please don't cry I'm here "

" I thought we may not see each other "

" Please don't leave me," she said hugging me

I slowly rubbed her back

After a few minutes, she stopped crying

I made her look into my eyes

Our worlds got stuck between each other

" Princess I apologize for everything that happened to you because of me and I promise this will never happen in future, "

I said while looking into her beautiful brown eyes which are communicating thousands of words with mine

Later I made her sit on the bed

" Here drink some water," I said and placed a glass of water on her lips

She slowly started drinking water

After a few minutes :

A knocking sound echoed in the room

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