Chapter 15

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Tae's pov:

I was so curious to watch this motherfucker face but when he undid his mask I felt broken

" YOU," I said

" Surprise! " he laughed mockingly making me piss off

" Tae you know him," she asked

" He is my best friend," I said making her mouth open in shock


Author's pov :

Tae and Soobin are close friends since their childhood

Soobin is the son of his father's secretary ' '

After Taehyung took over his mafia position and company CEO position eventually Mr wang became Taehyung's secretary

Soobin went for higher studies in states

After that, he never met Taehyung till now

Soobin used to be his family member

After he went to the States Tae never contacted him due to mafia matters


" Why are you doing this to me?? " tae asked him

" You don't know why am I doing this to you " Soobin yelled

" You killed my father motherfucker you killed him brutally "

" Do you know how I feel when I got to know about my father's situation "

" I thought you were my friend but what you did to my Father I can't," he said crying on his knees

" Soobin your father fucking betrayed me you know I never leave a person who tries to betray me " Tae said

" Soobin if you want to kill me I don't have any obligations but please leave y/n she didn't do anything to you neither did your family please leave her " Tae begged him

Soobin started laughing loudly

" What did you say?? Ohh leave her " he said and smirked

" How can I leave her? Since you're so in love with her I gonna shoot her in front of your eyes and watch you suffer till your death " he said pointing out a gun at y/n

" Please don't kill her I beg you, please, "Taehyung said crying his heart out

Tae's pov:

I was crying a mess

My princess is going to be die

I can't even help her I am such a fool to love her

Because of me now she is going to be die

" Tae " she called me

" Princess " I cried out loud

" tae, please don't cry look at me," she said I looked at her beautiful pair of eyes

" Before I leave I want to say this to you "

" I LOVE YOU TAEHYUNG I LOVE YOU," She said while crying hard

"Princess, please don't cry I LOVE YOU TOO PRINCESS "

" I love you with my whole heart," I said looking at her

" Okay enough with your lovey-dovey drama my dear friend it's time to say goodbye to your soon-to-be LATE lover," he said above pulling the trigger

I close my eyes not to look at her in this state

But a gun sound echoed making his dead body lie on the ground

We both looked in the direction of the sound

" Sorry guys I'm late " he said

" Suga oppa " y/n said shocked

Hyung came to us and started undoing our ropes

As soon as my hand were free I went to my love and hugged her

She hugged me back

She looked at me and fell unconscious on my hands

" PRINCESS " I yelled


To be continued

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