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A/N: Who's here?

Sorry for any mistakes!



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The glee club had been trapped in its negativity for the last week. Rachel had decided to focus on the play and left the group without looking back, leaving the already worried teenagers to stress over their upcoming competition season.

Mr. Schuester knew pulling the same trick twice, let alone three times, was risky. He was desperate at this point for someone to come in with a strong voice and blow the kids away. He had seen a few of the popular kids talking to the two Skanks, and it would have been helping the school's community if he could help them shape up from their under-the-bleach smoke sessions.

It made more sense to innocently go after two students needing support and redirection than convince another boy on the football team that he was on drugs. There was also a high chance that Valerie Fabray and Brenda Kaleido weren't as innocent as he wanted to believe.

"Do you know what this is, Ladies?" He asked, pushing the sample-size marijuana packet Sandy had given him a few weeks ago across his desk.

"An envelope?" Brenda raised a brow at the man with a little smirk.

"It's drugs." Mr. Schuester looked between the two as he leaned forward and offered them a stern look. "We found this in both your lockers."

"Oh." Valerie hummed. "Where's the other one?"

"What?" Mr. Schuester frowned.

"You said you found that in both our lockers, but it's only one." Valerie crossed her legs and placed a piece of gum in her mouth, unimpressed by his attempt to bust them.

"We know you're both using."

"Who's we?" Brenda asked.

"Listen." Mr. Schuester changed directions, lacing his hands on the desk. "This is against the law. Against our school policy, and I will take action unless we find an agreement."

"You have no proof." Brenda laughed a bit and exchanged a look with Valerie. She widened her legs and leaned back in her chair as she twirled her hair with a smirk. "But sure, how long are we in detention?"

"I have alternative options for you." Mr. Schuester said, attempting to gain more control over the situation. He had no issues with Finn, but Valerie and Brenda didn't seem to have the slightest issue with him finding drugs in their lockers. "You can do six weeks of detention every Saturday, but that would go on your permanent record. Or..."

"Or..." Brenda waved her hand for the man to get to his point.

"Or you can join the glee club to put in hours like community service."

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