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A/N: Who's here?



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Valerie was really trying to ignore the touchiness between her best friend and baby sister. She was biting her tongue and trying to focus on studying for her vocabulary exam for history, but the quiet giggles between the two were driving her insane.

"Brenda." Valerie hissed, staring down her friend with stern eyes. "You might be my friend, but I will still beat you. Get your tongue out of her ear."

"Val." Quinn blushed, pausing her drawing to send her sister an embarrassed look. "She was just talking about my drawing."

"I'm sure she was." Valerie raised a brow at Brenda. "You do realize we look the same, right? This is creepy."

"It's not like we haven't talked about..." Brenda gasped, looking between the two. "We should totally have a threesome."


"No way."

Brenda yelped as Quinn and Valerie's notebooks smacked her roughly. She blocked Quinn's second hit, barely blocking Valerie's when it came back at her.

"Hey! Hey! I was joking!" Brenda whined, glaring between the two girls. "Is this how our relationships go now?"

"Yes." Quinn and Valerie answered in unison.

As Brenda pouted at the Fabray twins, Santana continued drawing her picture of Valerie in her math notebook. It was scribbling and surrounded by hearts with a big Loser drawn around the top. She glared at the side of Valerie's head as she bolded the words, drawing aggressively.

"Can I ask you guys something private?" Rachel asked, standing before the group.

"Yes, you should move to Israel." Santana slammed her notebook before anyone could spot her drawing, smirking at the quiet snickers around the room.

"It's about dating." Rachel continued, only sparing a reserved glance in the cheerleader's direction. "Now that I'm dating anyone. We all know that Finn and I are no longer an item, and for the sake of the team, I broke up with Jesse."

"I find it hard to believe three guys hit you up in one week, but continue." Brenda threw her arm around Quinn's shoulders and smiled when the blonde blushed down at her notebook. She glanced at Valerie and sighed when the redhead still didn't seem entirely happy with their relationship.

Over the last week, the three were trying their hardest to make things work. Brenda and Quinn apologized for lying and Valerie stressed she didn't care about them dating as long as things didn't change between their friendships and relationships as sisters. The only issue was that it had changed things. Brenda spent more time with Quinn now that it wasn't a secret from Valerie and they were more affectionate in glee when the general public couldn't see them.

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