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A/N: Who's here?

Excuse any mistakes. I am doing very quick edits in order to feed you chapters. I will go back and notify you all when I do a large editing to this book.



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Valerie did her best thinking when she was high. High off the ground and far from the world that she wished she could easily fit inside. It had been a rough night, so excuse her for feeling desperate for a break – even if it included attending a party because her ex-boyfriend invited her.

He's no different than the other men that laid hands on her that night.

There's beer kegs and stray cups everywhere Valerie looks. Her vision isn't the greatest. Her eyes still hurt like shit, but she ignores the looks other students give her around the room and reaches for one of the many large glass bottles on the counter. There's rum, beer, tequila, mixers, and plenty of vodka. Pizza boxes and chips that would be in some stoner's mouth by the end of the night, maybe her own if she played her cards right.

"You'll thank me from heaven, kid." Valerie muttered, as if it even matters at this point, taking a long swig of a bottle of vodka. She looked around the room of dazed William Mckinley and North Lima kids, moving on toward the living room.

It's after she examines the crowd and takes in the music and LED lighting for at least an hour when she finds her wrist being grabbed roughly. It's painful. The force tugs her enough to spill the bottle she had, but it continues pulling her toward the staircase.

"Fuck off." Valerie slurs, trying to relieve the pain on her arm, but she's stumbling up a flight of stairs with someone's arms around her waist. She mumbled to herself as they turned her around and closed to drag her up against her drunken shuffling.

For a second, Valerie wonders if Brenda found her. She knows her friend is strong, but this was an odd sense of strength. It eventually got her up the stairs and turned her around, pushing toward the hallway where the make out bedrooms were. Valerie couldn't recall who's home she was in any longer, but she'd probably figure it out when she woke up here in the morning.

"You are so stupid." She hears the person behind her spat, struggling to handle the heavy door and her body. "Seriously? What the hell does it take for you not to be poisonous to everyone around you, Fabray?"

Well, that voice sounds familiar.

Valerie turned once the door closed and frowned deeply when brown eyes found hers. She's confused by the softer look than she's usually directed, until she remembers Santana Lopez is an emotional drunk that can't remember what tissues are.

I'd Excuse Murder | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now