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A/N: Who's here?


"How the hell could you do this?"

Quinn rolled her eyes as Finn angrily appeared beside her. She continued trading her books and giving the picture of Valerie, Brenda, and Jax a quick good luck kiss before closing her locker door. She turned away from him, not having the time to handle his frustration between classes.

"Oh, don't get all up in my face, Finn." She groaned. "What were we supposed to do?"

"Uh, quit Cheerios! Coach Sylvester is awful to you guys." Finn followed her down the hall. "And don't forget who was there for you the last time she dumped you on your ass to deal with the lesbian rumors."

"Oh, no." Quinn spun around. "Those weren't rumors, tough guy. I'm a lesbian. Which means this—" She motioned between them. "Is my worst nightmare. Not a thing about this is hot, Finn. No wonder Rachel went for Puck."

"You know what I meant."

"I don't think you know what you meant." Quinn lowered her voice. "You're still strung up about me leaving you for a woman. I can see it. You're homophobic."

"I am not. My brother is gay!"

"And my sister married a guy that likes to call lesbians exploring." Quinn crossed her arms. "I can assure you. Even siblings can be homophobic. It's a sliding scale."

"What about Brenda?" Finn asked. "You gonna leave her alone? You got her clean!"

"She has Valerie."

"Does she?" Finn raised his brows. "Because last I knew, they broke up."

"They were never together." Quinn pursed her lips.

"When Valerie needed someone when she got pregnant, we were there for her. The glee club was there for her! You can't just leave us after all we've done for your family."

"And you don't think I feel awful about that?" Quinn asked.

"You don't need to be a Cheerio to be cool." Finn took a step closer, raising his brows when Quinn shuffled back. "Quinn, make the right choice here. You can still fix this."

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Oh, you are so naïve. This entire school is about labels. I'm the head lesbian of the Cheerios! I'm on the bathroom walls. My girlfriend is one foot in an addiction pit and I just lost her to the one club that might send her over the edge."

"Glee club wouldn't—"

"I'm not leaving the Cheerios. It's what saved my relationship and keeps Valerie and Jax from added stress." Quinn explained. "You have no clue what it's like to be me, so do not tell me what to do with my life."

"Being head Cheerio does not solve all your problems!" Finn shouted, as Quinn scoffed. "God, I never realized you're so freaking weak. I thought it was Valerie we all had to worry about."

"What did you say?"

Finn lifted his head with a groan when Sam's voice echoed behind him. He turned and threw up his hands in frustration.

"All the Cheerios quit glee club."

"And you're yelling at my sister-in-law about it?" Sam raised his brows, ignoring the slight smirk on Quinn's face.

"I'm yelling at her because I'm the leader of this team." Finn eyed Sam with a shake of his head. "Dude, you gotta chill out with these labels. You're gonna scare Valerie off more than you already are."

I'd Excuse Murder | Santana LopezWhere stories live. Discover now