Operation Stronghold And We Fight Til We Die

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(Okay please note that when a loyalist German holding a MG-15 heavy machine will be shorten to HG.)


-End of Intro-

-Year: July 26, 1944-

-Operation name Stronghold-

-Location France, somewhere around Marigny-

-Y/n POV-

We were fighting a enemy stronghold by the loyalists Germans and it's a good thing that we haven't face any elite SS yet. Then we heard Pierson shouting and barking orders.

Pierson: Okay! We need to secure that church for providing fire support! Any questions? Good! *move out.*

I move out when college name Stiles said this.

Stiles: I got a question.

Pierson: Save it for later Stiles, you win a gold star.

Me and Pierson left when I still able to hear as Stiles said to Daniel.

Stiles: I think I am his favorite!

As we rush as we fight any loyalist Germans as Daniel toss a targeting smoke that he got from Aiello as Mortar shrike hit and killed at least 10 or 20 loyalists Germans as we fight any remaining loyalist German troops in the area. As we clear the area but more loyalists German troops came here as Daniel climb in the halftrack as he use the MG42 on the loyalist German troops as they didn't come back here as we went to the church's doors as we went inside when Pierson said.

Pierson: All right it's a good chance to resupplies now.

Y/N: Okay, Baby, lass uns genug Munition für einen Angriff sammeln.(Okay babe, let's gather enough ammunition for a attack.)

Hans: She said let's gather enough ammunition for a attack.

Zussman: I agree with them.

As we gather enough ammunition for a attack but a loyalist German soldier holding MG-15 in his hand.

Y/N: Scheiße...(Shit...)

We duck for covered in the church chairs as I take a peek as I use my scope Kar98k to snipe the loyalist German.

Loyalist German HG: *get snipe.* GAH! *falls to the ground and dies.*

Aiello: Good shot Y/n!

Y/N: Vielen Dank, Aiello.(Thank you very much Aiello.)

Hans: Y/n said thank you very much Aiello.

Aiello: No problem Y/n- *get pulled by Y/n.* Woah!

As I saw a flames came towards when Stiles said.


Pierson: We need to take out that flamethrower!


As R.G.A1 fired his Kar98k bolt action rifle as the bullet hit the fuel tank as the bullet and the fuel tank meet this happens.

Loyalist flamethrower:

Loyalist flamethrower:

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Pierson x German Female Reader: No Mission Is Too Difficult! (COD WWII)Where stories live. Discover now