Operation Beacon Academy Test And Old Nazis Has Returned(part 2)

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-End of Intro-

-Year: June 8th, 1947-

-Location: Vale, Beacon-

-Operation name Beacon Academy Test-

-Y/n POV-

It was morning as I just received news that my merchant vessel and six escort Soviets warships was heading to the Königsberg but was ambush by the Nazis... that couldn't be! The Nazis and the remaining SS were gone, these dark times will come and I have to call emergency meetings with Königsberg and Sweden but, for now I have to send a messenger to them now.

Y/N: Major! Übergeben Sie dies sofort Manfred Von Richthofen dem II! Wenn mein Handelsschiff von den Nazis angegriffen würde. Sagen Sie ihnen, dass wir ein Notfalltreffen geplant haben, hoffentlich wäre das Asien-Reich eher früher als später hier.(Major! Hand this to Manfred Von Richthofen the II immediately! If my merchant vessel was attack by the Nazis. Tell them we have a emergency meeting scheduled hopefully the Asia Empire would be here sooner rather than later.)

R.G.SS Major: Ja, meine Kaiserin!(Yes my empress!)

(gg012108 the message is)

Dear: Manfred Von Richthofen the II.

Manfred I still own you for saving me from Richter, and the death of your was a close friend of mine. But in these dark times these White Fang Terrorist attacks was increasing Paris, Warsaw, and my hometown Berlin. I tell you that Berlin was attack by the White Fang and tried to overthrow me but fail. Even though we are revivals to you, your allied Sweden, and to us. This could spark another World War. In the merchant vessel I send to you was your uncle Edward Richthofen old technology and his favorite weapon the tesla gun and he wanted you to have his tesla gun. But there is a thing I fear the most the remaining Nazis but if we combine forces together and eliminate the Nazis once and for all but I feel that someone will targeting my grandfather Hanz Wilhelm the II, I don't want to lose anymore family members or my friends. But please note that my grandfather is going to Königsberg no later than three weeks from here to there. But the Nazis might know of this message please stay safe and lead your nation to great and a new future generations. But beware of Atlas spies.

From: Kaiserin Y/n Wilhelm.

I handed the message to the Major as he takes it and leave the room as Rommel said.

Rommel: Meine Kaiserin, wenn der weiße Reißzahn angreift, und wir haben ein paar Spione von Atlas und den verbleibenden Nazis gefangen genommen. Sollten wir mit Atlas und Menagerie in Alarmbereitschaft gehen und blockieren?(My empress, if the white fang attacks, and we captured few spies from Atlas and the remaining Nazis. Should we go on high alert and blockade with Atlas and Menagerie?)

Y/N: Ab sofort, und haben wir die Spione verhört, die wir gefangen genommen haben?(As of now, and did we interrogated with the spies we have captured?)

Rommel: Leider nein, wir haben es versucht, sind aber gescheitert.(Unfortunately no, we tried to but failed.)

Y/N: Schicken Sie die Hälfte der gefangenen Spione an Manfred, um zu sehen, ob sie die Informationen von ihnen erhalten.(Send half of the captured spies to Manfred to see if they get the information out from them.)

Rommel: Es soll Kaiserin getan werden.(It shall be done empress.)

He leave Beacon Academy and went back New German Empire to inform the New German Empire military to close to all ports to Atlas and Menagerie and be on high alert for incoming attacks from the White Fang attacks when I hear Glynda voice through the PA.

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