Operation Defend The Fatherland and The Motherland And A New War

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-End of Intro-

-Year: June 6th, 1947-

-Planet: Remnant-

-Location: Berlin, Germany, the capital and heart of the New German Empire(United European Empire)-

-Operation name Long Way From Home-


-Opzin POV-

We felt the earthquake, twice as Glynda said to me.

Glynda: Headmaster Ozpin, are you alright?

Ozpin: Yes I am Glynda. But we need to call Ironwood.


-Ironwood POV-

We felt the quakes the first was strong but the second was stronger than the first when Winter ask me.

Winter: General Ironwood, are you alright?!

Ironwood: Yes lieutenant, what were those quakes?

Atlas1: Sir, I think you should take a look at this.

I walk over to him and saw three new lands.

(gg012108 land)

(gg012108 land)

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(My land)

(Ignore the German empire flag for now

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(Ignore the German empire flag for now.)

Ironwood: Strange, those three weren't there before, right?

Atlas1: Unfortunately no, looks new.

Ironwood: I call Ozpin.

I call Ozpin before he calls me when he said.

Ozpin: Felt the quakes too?

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