Operation Hill 493 And Old Commander Vs New Commander

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-End of Intro-

-Year: November 14, 1944-

-Operation name Hill 493-

-Location: Hürtgen, Germany-

-Y/n POV-

Me, my nephew Sunny, where waiting for Pierson but it been minutes or hours. But we are watching the forest in case if the loyalist German army decided to attack. But I look behind me and saw Daniel and Stiles, but Stiles has a radio to his ear trying to reach Pierson but no one didn't respond to him. I look around the forest and there is none, I use my right hand to my stomach worrying that I don't want to bring danger to the baby. But I heard Turner shout.


Y/N: Pierson...

I ordered my 50 bodyguards to stay here incase the loyalist German army decides to take it, they nodded as we left. We followed Turner after a whole fucking hour we are climbing up on a small hill as Turner said.

Turner: Keep up! Let's go! Let's go!

Daniel: Maybe Pierson is still at the base of the hill!

Stiles: I'm guessing we are way past that.

Turner: Keep moving god damnit!

Stiles: Sounds like our guys!

Once we finally made it up as I saw Aiello hurt to his leg as I rush towards him as I open my medical bag. I wrapped bandages around his leg as Turner said.

Turner: Where's the rest?

Aiello: Pierson took them to attack the guns, we beg for reinforcements.

Turner: That stubborn son of a bitch.

Y/N: Wir müssen jetzt nach Pierson!(We need to get to Pierson now!)

Daniel: We come back for you buddy!

Turner: Hurry! They need our help!

We followed Turner as we saw U.S soldiers and U.S rangers fighting against the loyalist German army and the loyalist German SS, while the artillery bombardment on us, we have no choice to climb the hill with enemies soldiers. Til I saw my sister June is here as I grab my nephew shirt as he looks at me.

Y/N: June ist da, will wahrscheinlich meinen alten Kommandanten töten.(June is here, probably want to kill my old commanding officer.)

Sunny: Okay Ma, I try cover fire once you reach June!

Y/N: *nodded to Sunny.*

I run as Sunny cover fire with his FG42 as I made it to June. As she saw me.

June: Y/n! About time you got here!

Y/N: Juni! Weißt du, wo Pierson ist?!(June! You know were Pierson is at?!)

June: Got separated from the ambush.

Y/N: Verdammt!(Damnit!)

Then MG42 and there is five of them as I use my G43 to take out two. And Daniel take out 3 with his M1 Carbine.

Y/N: Alles klar!(All clear!)

Turner: All clear! Let's move up!

We move up the hill and saw my fiancé, when Zussman spotted us.

Pierson x German Female Reader: No Mission Is Too Difficult! (COD WWII)Where stories live. Discover now