Operation Death Factory And A Love Of War

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-End of Intro-

-Year: November 14, 1944-

-Operation name Death Factory-

-Location: Hürtgen, Germany-

-Pierson POV-

Me, Turner and my nephew Louis except for my fiancé Y/n who isn't here right now. But the three of us were in Colonel Davis about our last mission and about evacuate civilians in the hotel about a month ago.

Davis: Your orders were to take the hotel, not evacuate civilians. Who orders were those to evacuate the civilians?

Turner: I-

Pierson: *steps in.* It was me.

Davis: Last time I check it was Lieutenant, Turner was in charge.

Turner: It's all of our orders sir.

Davis: *sighs.* It's doesn't matter who orders to evacuate the civilians, duty is always first then evacuate the civilians. Now get your platoon ready. *looks at Louis.* Same as you Major, Louis. Dismiss.

Pierson/Turner/Louis: Yes sir!

We leave Davis tent as I look for Y/n around the camp, when Corporal Sunny came to me as I came to him.

Pierson: Sunny, do you know were Y/n is at?

Sunny: No, I was going to ask you.

Pierson: Where in the hell is Y/n?

Sunny: I don't know, my dad is looking for her too.

Pierson: Alright, if you find your dad, tell him if he finds Y/n and tell her to go back to Davis, we are about to head out to capture Hill 493.

Sunny: Will do uncle.

Sunny leaves as I look for Y/n around the camp.

-Y/n POV-

I was in my private camp as I take a look at my left leg which is healed as I walk out of my private tent as I just vomited on the ground as the R.G.SSW and my R.G.A look at me worried.

Y/N: Mir geht es gut, ich setze mit dem fort, was Sie tun.(I am fine, continuing on what you are doing.)

They went back to work and continued on what they are doing, but they still worried about me. I look to my right and saw Sunny coming to me.

Sunny: Are you okay Ma?

Y/N: Ja, mir geht es gut, was brauchst du, Sunny?(Yes, I am fine, what do you need, Sunny?)

Sunny: Well briefing is about to start about Hill 493.

Hill 493!? I look at him with a worrying about that place, as I properly got to standard as I said.

Y/N: Hill 493 ist eine Todeszone! Ich habe dort Waffen-SS-Einheiten und 10.000 Wehrmacht dort gesehen! Wir bekommen unseren Arsch treten, das weißt du richtig!?(Hill 493 is a death zone! I saw Waffen-SS units there and 10,000 Wehrmacht there! We get our asses kick you know that right!?)

Sunny: Ma, you are freaking me out here!

Y/N: *sighs.* Tut mir leid, ich habe dort einen alten Kommandanten. Er versuchte, mich zu vergewaltigen, als ich seine Pose bestritt. Alles, was ich hatte, hatte ein paar ehemalige Waffen-SS-Einheiten, die ihn aufhielten, da sie meine Elite-Bodyguards sind, seit ich dort war. Aber dieser Kommandant behandelt seine Gefangenen nicht gut. Er wird sie ohne Gnade töten. Und er mag keine Verräter, die das Vaterland verraten, deshalb lasse ich dich nicht rausgehen und dich von ihm töten.(Sorry, I have a old commander there. He tried to rape me when I denied his pose. All I did have a few former Waffen-SS units stop him since they are my elite bodyguards since I was there. But this commander does not treat his prisoners well. He will kill them without mercy. And he does not like traitors who betray the fatherland, this is why I am not letting you go out there and get yourself killed by him.)

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