Living Love With Children And Y/n birthday

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(Also the Rebellion German SS are also known as the Secret-Security)

-Year: June 6th, 1947-

-Operation name none-

-Location: Berlin, Germany-

(Here what Kaiserin Y/n Wilhelm looks now)

(Here what Kaiserin Y/n Wilhelm looks now)

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-Y/n POV-

Been months since I was crowned empress and my husband emperor, today was my birthday and I am 23 years old. But as Königsberg and Sweden was now revivals to us, but I don't want a fight with my father homeland nor Königsberg allied Sweden. I walk into the living and it was dark when I flip the light switch on when Herzog, Jones, Wilma, Emilia, Daniel, Hazel, Zussman, Aiello, Stiles, Howard, Davis, Louis, Sunny, my sisters, my brother, my dad, my mom, my grandpa, Bismarck Von List and his twin Wolfram Von List, and my husband Pierson yelled happy birthday to me.

Family & Friends: Happy birthday Y/n!

Y/N: Leute, danke!(You guys, thank you!)

Davis: Wouldn't miss it for the world Y/n.

Y/N: Lasst uns feiern!(Let's celebrate!)

Herzog: Yippee Kay Yay Motherficker!

We celebrate my birthday as we played broad games, eat cake, even talking about fun things in the past, even take about when Wolfram wants revenge in the stupidest in the world against the Russians but we even drink alcohol when Herzog nearly ate a wine glass bottle instead he shove it to his chest.

Herzog: Ich(I) am bottle Mann(man) nov.

We laugh at that when a knock on the front door as I got up and went to the front door and saw my special elite units and four of them are holding a Waffen-SS assassin.

Y/N: Warum macht dieser Nazi-Abschaum hier?(Why is this nazi scum doing here?)

R.G.SS Officer: Meine Kaiserin, es tut uns wirklich leid, dass wir deine Feier gestört haben. Aber wir haben diesen Waffen-SS-Attentäter hier in Berlin erwischt, um uns zurückzuhalten.(My empress, we are truly sorry to disrupting your celebration. But we caught this Waffen-SS assassin here in Berlin to lay low.)

Y/N: Ist er derjenige, der Edward Richthofen ermordet?(Is he the one who assassinate Edward Richthofen?)

R.G.SS Officer: Ja, Ma'am.(Yes ma'am.)

Y/N: Schicken Sie ihn nach Königsberg, Manfred möchte, dass er wegen seiner Verbrechen hingerichtet wird.(Send him to Königsberg, Manfred wants him to be executed for his crimes.)

R.G.SS Officer: Ja, Ma'am!(Yes ma'am!)

They leave with the captured assassin and will be sending to Königsberg(gg012108 ) for execution. I went back inside and look at the photo of Edward Richthofen. I went to the living room. As I say.

Y/N: Tonight, we honored the one who are close to us.

Pierson: Turner.

Bismarck V.L: Edward Richthofen.

Y/N: Kaiser Wilhelm the II.

We moron for our good family and friends who were close to us. But then a bright light consume everything. Then the bright light faded away when I felt something when I said.

Y/N: Salem.

-To be continue-

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