A Gift from the Weimar Republic and A New Dawn Of War and a Old Allied

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-End of Intro-

-Year: June 9th, 1947-

-Location: New German Empire(United European Empire)-

-Operation name none-

-Rommel POV-

It's been three weeks since Hanz Wilhelm the II and brother to Kaiser Wilhelm the II went to Königsberg for the time being, I was in my office looking at the blueprints of our new Dreadnought KSM Roon, when a soldier come in.

R.G.A1: Sir! Ein Flugzeugträger ist hier, aus der Weimarer Republik!(Sir! A aircraft carrier is here, from Weimar Republic!)

Rommel: Versuchen sie, einen Krieg zu beginnen?!(Are they trying to start a war?!)

R.G.A1: Nein, Sir! Es ist ein Geschenk aus der Weimarer Republik und es ist Graf Zeppelin!(No sir! It's a gift from Weimar Republic and it's Graf Zeppelin!)

Rommel: Graf Zeppelin?!

R.G.A1: Ja, Sir!(Yes sir!)

Rommel: Ich muss das sehen.(I need to see this.)

R.G.A1: Hier entlang, Sir.(Right this way sir.)

I got up from my chair and followed R.G.A1 to the docks where it the Dreadnought are being built, and truly it is Graf Zeppelin.

(Graf Zeppelin)

(A gift from Weimar Republic)

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(A gift from Weimar Republic)

But heard a gunfire as I look to my right and two Atlas assassin's try to attempt to assassinate me but felt blood coming out of my mouth as I look to my chest I was killed as my heart stop... then my eyes started to black out...

-R.G.Fist Iron Commander name Iro POV-

Our greatest Field Marshal was killed by the two assassin's but we were behind them as we shouted in english for the enemy would understand.


They listen to us as they drop their weapons on the ground as they rise their hands up to surrender as we contain them.

Iro: GET ME KAISERIN NOW! She needs to know about Rommel death.

R.G.Fist Iron: Ja, Sir!(Yes sir!)

He went to tell Kaiserin Y/n that Rommel was assassinate as me and my units dragged two atlas assassin's to the prison cells.

-meanwhile with Hanz POV-

As I just arrived to my old homeland of (gg012108 land) Königsberg as I saw Weimar Republic civilians doing their own business as I saw my great niece Alexia Wilhelm who is busy working as I went to a nice apartment to stay in.

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