A New Darkness and helps arrive(episode 4 part 2)

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-End of Intro-

-Year: December 23, 1957-

-location: Hell-

-Operation name Resurrection the Dead-

-Halo Mega Construx Sangheili warrior Narrating-

Lord Shen, the false emperor of the false U.G.E empire. They released their virus with no cure like the parasite, the Flood or is there. Lord Shen is a fool like the prophets, prophet of Truth, prophet of Mercy, prophet of Regret. We followed the prophets bedding, we thought the forerunners was our holy god, and the path of the great journey but it was all just a lied. Lord Shen must be stop or Remnant will perish, before Lord Shen and his wolf army will march to the plastic world... the Greens(all types of Greens) nation, the Orange nation, Purple nation, Dark Blue nation, two different types of Grays nation, the Tan nation who lives in the hot scorching desert and their sun. And a old, very very very ancient was the Neon Black Empire who bound to no rule, they will not bow their heads to no one, the Neon Black is powerful. One shot to the head they just keep moving just like the dead. But we have two goals to cure this virus, and this cure was call Return of the 1916 of the dead. And bring Lord Shen to his knees for his crimes he made, but the Tans are worried about Lord Shen since his old ancestors are coming home.

-end of the narrating-

-Herzog POV-

I was sitting in the radio room boasting this message to say to Vale, Vacuo, New Atlas, and Mistral, Asia Empire, the Soviet Union, Königsberg and Sweden.

Herzog: Zo thoze vho are liztening zo thiz boazt. Zoday Lord Shen zis deztroying our live'z, our home'z. But ve anzwer zeir call, ich(i) am immune zo ze viruz. Zo thoze vho are ezcaping ze hungry undead. Go zo Echo checkpoint vhere zey are evacuating people inzo zeir zhip. Und(And) ze New German Empire hazn't lozt yet! Ve fight for our family, our friend'z, our home'z! Ztand vith mich(me) cuz, ich(i) am Herzog Wilhelm Pier the I. Und(And) thiz mezzage vill be on repeat.

Sangheili1: Herzog, we have a subject that is ready for a test on Return of the 1916 of the dead.

Herzog: Gut.(Good.)

I got up knowing we lost many Allies and knowing that the Rebellion German Army still refusing to fight with me knowing I am not their leader. But the plastic accepted me as a leader. I followed the Halo Mega Construx elite to the testing chambers, as we entered as Jäger is ready for the test as I saw the one undead from the 1st Reich as I said.

Herzog: Do it.

Jäger nodded as gas of the Return of the 1916 of the dead covered the room with the zombie. After waiting a few minutes as the gas clears as we saw... he was human again.

W.R1: What the fuck?! Why am I chained up!?

Herzog: *on speaker.* Jou have cured vith our Return of the 1916 of the dead.

W.R1: Wait really?!

Jäger: Yes, and we have enough to cured the entire world of Remnant.

-meanwhile with Y/n POV-

I was told to go to Lord Shen throne room as I did, as I entered the throne room as I saw him sitting on his chair.

Lord Shen: Ah Y/n, I have good news for you.

Y/N: Was ist das?(What is it?)

Lord Shen: I have finally getting my revenge! And evenly I released the virus that turn humans into the undead!

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