Operation Beacon Academy Test And Old Nazis Has Returned(part 1)

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-End of Intro-

-Year: June 7th, 1947-

-Location: Vale, Beacon-

-Operation name Beacon Academy Test-

After yesterday meeting from Ozpin when my mom told to go to beacon academy to study more english and learn of world too but thankfully Manfred soldiers send my son back to me which I am thankful for. But I walk inside the auditorium with three of my sisters, four of my children, my husband and his friend and their colonel Davis, Hans and his son, Louis and his wife Elizabeth including their daughter name Ava. But I brought 69 of my selected units to keep a eye on the students and keep a watchful eye incase the Nazis might be here.

R.G.SS1: Mein Kaiserin.(My empress.)

Y/N: Ja, Soldat?(Yes soldier?)

R.G.SS1: Wir haben Berichte, dass Königsberg gerade sein Marinekriegsschiff freigelassen hat, und wir haben keines. Was werden wir tun?(We have reports that Königsberg just released their naval warship and we have none. What are we going to do?)

Y/N: Wir könnten die Sowjets bitten, uns Ressourcen zu schicken, um eine zu machen, aber wir haben hier keine Marinestützpunkte. Aber ich weiß, wer das tut.(We could ask the Soviets to send us resources to make one, but we have no naval bases here. But I know who does.)

Vena: Is me.

R.G.SS1: Natürlich hat das Asienreich den besten Seekampf, um das Vaterland und das Mutterland vor dem Weißen Fang oder Feinden zu verteidigen, die es wagen, das Neue Deutsche Reich anzugreifen.(Of course, the Asia Empire has the best naval combat to defend the fatherland and the motherland from the White Fang or any enemies that dare to attack the New German Empire.)

Y/N: Ja, aber ich werde mein Versprechen an Edward Richthofen halten, und hoffentlich wird Ada Richthofen hier sein.(Yes, but I will keep my promise to Edward Richthofen, and hopefully Ada Richthofen will be here.)

(Ada Richthofen and wife of Edward Richthofen)

(Ada Richthofen and wife of Edward Richthofen)

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Ada: Did someone call me?

Y/N: Ada!

Ada: Y/n!

We hugged each other when we broke the hug when she said.

Ada: Sorry I didn't come to your birthday yesterday, since I was helping my patients surgery.

Y/N: Es ist in Ordnung, Ada. Aber es ist schön, dich wiederzusehen.(It's fine Ada, but it's good to see you again.)

Ada: Yes it has. Came let's go to the auditorium.

Y/N: Agree.

We entered the auditorium when Herzog likes to playing and fiddling with his guts which like he to do when he saw me he went to me and squeeze me hard.

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