Operation S.O.E And Slient Death

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(Oh question do you want me to add the MP40's from girls frontlines as Y/n secret sisters that I completely forgot to say.)


-End of Intro-

-Year: August 20, 1944-

-Operation name S.O.E-

-Location Falaise, France-

-Y/n POV-

After resting and healing for a month as I was walking with Pierson, Turner and colonel Davis talking about the french resistance fighters and he said.

Davis: The french resistance give us intelligent that the Germans are carrying V2 rockets and for an attack on Paris refueling near Argentan. That gives us just enough time to move our team into position. It must be stopped. You proved yourselves in Marigny, which is why you'll get opportunity and the privilege.

Turner: Thank you sir, but this seems like a job for more than one platoon.

Davis: That's is why I'm teaming you up with the SOE.

Y/N: Die SOE? Die britischen Spezialeinheiten?(The SOE? The British Special Forces?)

Davis: Yes that's is correct Y/n, but your brother is leading the platoon with the Bloody First division.

Y/N: Was!? Warum?! Er ist mein Übersetzer!(What!? Why?! He is my translator!)

Davis: I know that Y/n, but he is not that very stealthy.

Hans: True also Davis make sure that Y/n doesn't smuggled any wine or alcohol into the field.

Y/N: Verpiss dich, Bitchler.(Fuck off bitchler.)

Hans: *rise his hand in the air defending himself.* Just saying.

Y/N: *grabs Pierson knife and throws the knife near Hans boots.* HALT DIE KLAPPE, VERDAMMTE MUSCHI!(SHUT THE FUCK UP PUSSY!)


Pierson: Damn...

Turner: Jesus Christ, Davis you know she could do that?

Davis: Apparently her grandmother in Japan taught her that.

Pierson: Damn her grandma is a tough women.

Turner: Agree.

Y/N: Hans, ich werde dich zum Sergeant und meinem zweiten Befehlshaber befördern.(Hans, I will promote you to Sergeant and my second in command.)

Hans: Okay.

Then we heard few jeep honking as they pull in.

As I saw two British intelligence who just step out of the jeep as a R.G.J(Rebellion German Jeep), rolls in that is carrying the American supplies and the R.G.A supplies as well. As we walk towards them as Turner and the British agents.

Turner: Looks like you two were a bit in it.

Crowley: Don't worry lieutenant. We saved some for you.

As they shake hands Turner and Pierson except for me. As Davis said.

Pierson x German Female Reader: No Mission Is Too Difficult! (COD WWII)Where stories live. Discover now