Operation The Rhine And Finding Y/n

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-End of Intro-

(For example)

-Year: March 7, 1945-

-Operation name The Rhine-

-Location: Remagen, Germany-

-Pierson POV-

I am in a truck with Daniel, Zussman, Aiello, Stiles, Sunny, Hans, June, Wilma, Vena, Louis and Howard, heading to the Rhine and the last bridge standing as I kept thinking what Davis said.


-few weeks ago-

-Past Pierson POV-

I woken from the sleep as I was all patch up when Davis come to me.

Past Davis: Hello Major, Pierson.

Past Pierson: Colonel, Davis sir.

Past Davis: It's good that you're alive son.

Past Pierson: Yes sir, and sir, am I looking for a court marshal?

Past Davis: I am afraid not, the Rebellion German Army needs a leader since you and Y/n were very close together. I know it's hard for you to losing her but if she is in any labor or consecration camp, you have authorize to check any of them to find Y/n.

Past Pierson: Yes sir.

Past Davis: Once you are discharged from the hospital tent, you be ready and save Y/n.

Past Pierson: Understood sir.

-flashback ended-

-Pierson POV-

As we continued going, gunfire hit the trucks, as we took cover since machine gun fire was hitting us hard. As the trucks stops as we hop off the them as my boots hit the mud as I ready my Tommy Gun. As I look at Daniel.

Pierson: Daniel! Be ready to stop those loyalist German soldiers from readying their explosive!

Daniel: Yes sir!

We rush towards the bridge as the Rebellion German Army use artillery guns against the other side of the terrain to hit the trenches as the rest of the R.G.A, U.S soldiers, 5th Rangers, New Japan Soldiers storming the bridge quickly as possible as we clear the entrance of the bridge.

Pierson: Alright, first tower! Flamethrower do your thing!

R.G.A Flamethrower: Ja, Sir!(Yes sir!) *kicks the door open and use flamethrower.*


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