A New Darkness and helps arrive(episode 4 part 2 rewrite)

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-End of Intro-

-Year: December 23, 1957-

-location: Hell-

-Operation name Resurrection the Dead-

-Y/n narrating-

Lord Shen successful on defeating Lord Sauron, the Overlord, Dark Messiah who is apart of Kai chi,
The Plastic Alliance stayed out of the war not wanting to get involved with Lord Shen instead the Plastic Alliance join his alliance to have revenge on the Allied Union.
But the Allied Union declared war on the Plastic Alliance both sides were now at a bloody war.
Lord Shen saw this when he ask the Plastic Alliance for help when they kindly declined since it's their war with the Allied Union but having trouble with the Plastic White Resistance fighters and blowing up Lord Shen wolf barracks and their supplies lines.
But Herzog Wilhelm Pier the I is working on this virus which is call Return of the 1916 of the dead to revive the undead of World War I veterans to a counterattack to Lord Shen virus.
Doc Jäger son of Richthofen and Ada Richthofen and cousin to Edward Von Richthofen the II.
Who is working on a cure to destroy Lord Shen virus call Element 116 a crystallized rock that had been working successfully against Lord Shen virus. But I have one last surprise for Lord Shen. Project Zero-X nemesis but I know Lord Shen plans before he corrupted me as Nemesis is our last weapon resort against Kai.

-Y/n finished narrating-

-Herzog POV-

I was in my own personal laboratory to work on a virus call Return of the 1916 of the dead with World War I veterans when one raise from the table and many more woke from their sleep when Kaiser(not Pierson) open his eyes.


Ich bin zurückgekehrt

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Ich bin zurückgekehrt...(I have returned...)

Herzog: Great uncle Kaiser.

Kaiser: Great nephew. What happened to Y/n?

I explain what's going on after World War II, the Atlas war, and everything he was not pleased when I mentioned my mom being use as a sex slave. As he said this to me.

Kaiser: Lord Shen will pay for his crimes. And will be punished for what he did to Y/n.

Herzog: Agree.

Then we hear chatting as we take a look and saw Nazi cultist members reviving zombie Hitler slowly. Now we have one shot at this to win this war, mix of zombified Germans, French, Belgium, Netherlands, Russia, U.S, and UK ready their weapons as the zombie WW1 Germans ready their deadly gas. As Kaiser and I stayed behind for avoiding being a target.

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