Declaring War(Episode 1)

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(Also quick question, do you want me to add Hydra and Red Skull from Captain America? And also a quick note that Weimar Resistance Fighters will be shorten to W.R.F)


(Remove September 1, 1939 to June 10, 1947)

-End of Intro-

-Year: June 10, 1947-

-Location: Beacon Academy-

-Operation name Freeing Königsberg-

-Y/n POV-

I heard the terrible news of my friend Manfred was nearly killed but he is alive, but Königsberg will not be taken away from him if there is any refugees citizens of Weimar Republic is be transported here in New German Empire to be treated will as I made a battle plan to knock out their naval base.

I heard the terrible news of my friend Manfred was nearly killed but he is alive, but Königsberg will not be taken away from him if there is any refugees citizens of Weimar Republic is be transported here in New German Empire to be treated will as...

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R.G.A.F Commander: Du willst, dass wir die Hölle aus ihrer Seemacht bombardieren? Das klingt gut für mich, ich habe einen Neffen, der in Königsberg lebt, und ich werde es nicht fallen lassen!(You want us to bomb the hell out of their naval power? That sounds good to me, I have a nephew who lives in Königsberg and I will not let it watch it fall!)

Y/N: Dann starten Sie den Bombenlauf, unsere neueste Marine, die Dreadnought, kommt, um Ihnen zu helfen, ihre Marinestützpunkte zu zerstören.(Then start the bombing run, our newest naval the Dreadnought is coming to assist you to destroy their naval bases.)

They nodded as they leave my office and went to their airfields.

-with the Commander name Hydra Jr-

Hydra: Hör zu! Wir werden die Hölle aus den Atlas-Marinestützpunkten bombardieren und sie vorerst lähmen. Jetzt lass uns gehen und Königsberg befreien!(Listen up! We are going to bomb the hell out of atlas naval bases and crippling them for the time being. Now let's go and free Königsberg!)

R.G Pilots: Ja, Sir!(Yes sir!)

They went into their planes as the newest model was B-19 heavy thick armor bomber and our very first powered fighter jet but we still use the regular bomber planes and regular fighter planes as we start up our planes. And we are the Skull Acer's.

 And we are the Skull Acer's

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