A New Darkness and helps arrive(episode 3 part 1)

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-End of Intro-

-Year: September 6, 1947-

-location: Hell-

-Operation name Resurrection the Dead-

-Dark Messiah POV-

I walk around my powerful fortress as I saw the last remaining R.G.A, R.G.SS, everything I even heard that the Nazis split in two factions, I went back inside since I have gathered the Wilhelm family, Pierson, Wilma Wilhelm, Emilia Wilhelm, Jones and... wait I thought Herzog was supposed to be dead when he looks at me with glowing bloodiest red eyes when he ask.

Herzog: Vhat, happen.

Dark Messiah: A new empire has taken control of the New German Empire and now it's renamed... the United German Empire and lead by Lord Shen.

Herzog: *calms down.* He... vill pay for hiz crime'z... und(and) vhat about mein(my) family?

Sauron: *comes in.* Your father, three of your siblings were killed off by Lord Shen.

Herzog: *looks to his right and saw his dead family.* Vhy... vhy are zey are here not buried inztead?

Sauron: Cus, Dark Messiah has other plans to revive them back alive.

Herzog: Revive? But vhy can't Dark Messiah revive zem, ich(i) mean he zis ze Dark und(and) Light Fallen Gott.(God.)

Dark Messiah: I would, but I don't have the resurrection abilities. But I know who does.

Herzog: Vho?

-In a unknown planet-

-? POV-

I was chilling on my big red chair when I heard my telephone ringing.

?: Hallo? Wer ist das und wie bekommt man meine Nummer?!(Hello? Who is this and how do you get my number?!)

Dark Messiah: It's me old man, anyway we need your help.

?: Warum?! Ich habe den Ersten Weltkrieg verloren! Zweiter Weltkrieg! ICH SOGAR NUR EINE KUGEL ZU MEINEM SCHÄDEL!!!(Why?! I lost World War I! WORLD WAR II! I EVEN BUT A BULLET TO MY SKULL!!!)

Dark Messiah: Yeah I know that, but how do you like to help me to save Y/n from Lord Shen from being use as a s*x slave.

Then I hear shout from the other side of the phone call, and that yelled was Herzog.


?: Okay, aber ich möchte, dass mein Bruder Karl Adolf tot ist, damit ich wieder Führer werden kann. Warum willst du auch meine Hilfe?(Okay, but I want my brother Karl Adolf dead so I can be Führer again. Also why do you want my help?)

Dark Messiah: Well... Lord Shen is a...

?: Zhut up... ich(i) knov Lord Shen zis a traitor. Ich(I) am coming now.

-back with Herzog POV-

I was so confused who that when I ask. When Dark Messiah put his phone away.

Herzog: Uh... vho vas that? Und(and) vhy did he hang up on jou like that? Are ve not getting help from zem?

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